who You are

You are not you, not the you that you have thought yourself to be. You are an energetic presence that can be entirely different day to day, moment to moment.

Have you ever said, “they just weren’t themselves today,” or, “there was something different about them.” Have you ever been in a relationship where you have to test someone’s mood before you introduce a certain input?

Yes, these things are chemical, but they are also a reflection of our deep unseen personhood, our vast and diverse soul.

Strong people bridal these different energies with their will. Weaker individuals are tossed hither and thither by the atmosphere of the movement.

There is who you have been and who you are. Past was, only the Present is. The whole game is played in the present, a present that is all too often addicted to, and enslaved by, the past. In reality, the past is subject to the dictates of the present. While the present is, the past can be changed. For all who consistently master the present, in time, change the past. As time passes, with each present moment that becomes the recent past, the past becomes increasingly new and changed, so the past bends to the present.

You are more than you have ever imagined, dreamed of, or even wanted to be.

Fear is a liar… a convincing one. Face Fear. Challenge Fear. Question Fear. What you are becoming is something within the bounds that you have set for yourself. You are heading towards something within the realm of what you let yourself think. Open the gaits. Expand your thinking. Set your unending self free.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Likeness First


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