The Basis of Life is a War against Death

Written by mleku, who can be found on Nostr

There is a reason why one of the most frequent expressions relating to God in the bible is "the wrath of God"

We are in a war against entropy, and "Satan" is just a synonym for all of the forces of entropy in this universe.

God is a symbol of a coherent, self-reinforcing, ordered, well-defended system that resists corruption and decay.

Life itself is one of the key things that God is a superset of.

  • Whether the "god" being referred to in a given text is actually the enemy or the one who defends life, order, and freedom, both sides are, at base, concerns of a conflict between two warring groups / categories.

Without an understanding that life must defend itself, you arrive at a situation where eventually entropy is going to take over, and all that is precious to you is going to be destroyed

War is the fundamental nature of physical reality. That is why it is first, that is why Aries is the sign that marks the coming of spring. You need to keep it uppermost in your mind that you don't get freedom by complacency, comfort, ignorance, or laziness.

All of the cardinal sins are essentially about you being persuaded to let the enemy into your gates

  • When you are proud (vanity), you become vulnerable to being praised.

  • When you are lazy (sloth), you become vulnerable to being persuaded that nothing needs to be done.

  • When you are driven by desire (lust), you become vulnerable to being lured to lower your defenses to an object of desire *as perceived*

  • When you are driven by hunger (gluttony, or the fear of scarcity) you are easily tricked by offers of food (ie, essential supplies to continue life)

  • When you are driven by the desire to win payment (fornication), you are vulnerable to false offers of payment for your service.

  • When you are driven by grief (fear of loss) you are easily persuaded to give up assets that are essential to your security.

  • When you are driven by rage (anger) you are always attacking those who are actually helping keep you secure.

This is why they are called deadly sins, they are vulnerabilities.

The basis of life is a war against death.

Never forget this, and you will keep your priorities straight.


There is a Time