Restorative Anger

Righteous anger is a lesson in restoration. It is not what it has long been misrepresented as; rightful destruction. 

To be righteously angry is, yes, to be all things that are anger, but it is also intertwined with the spirit that leaves the 99 for the 1. It exists because of the vast diversity of love. The truth of how wide, how long, how deep, and how great love actually is would offend the wisest among us. Love is better than you think and greater than you would have it be; there is nothing it does not touch. It is only with our highest exploits of narcissistic delusion that we think we have hemmed love into any form of simplicity. Indeed, there is a time and a place for everything under the sun, and there too love is found. 

Righteous anger is the battle cry of love. Its time comes when the dedication of our ways has bent towards wrong with such consistency that the path of the inevitable victory of goodness is narrowed down to a degree of wrath. Righteous anger exists because of freedom. For in bondage, there is no restoration, only indoctrination. It is by the pain of wrath that we, in our freedom, are given a chance yet anew to restore that which is just. Righteous anger is love’s plea towards the free will of man, it is a plea that we might right the course. 

Righteous anger is mercy triumphing over judgment. It is the last stay of execution. It is relationship's last surge for connection. It has one and only one end goal, to make right what has gone wrong in such a way as to put back in place that which has, and those who have missed the mark. 

Righteous anger is love’s great charge towards complete & total restoration. It is why the gates of bondage will not hold. It is why darkness trembles. And for those who possess it, it is an encounter in forgiveness, it is the abandonment of pride, it is the abolishment of Jonah's fall, and it is the first test of meekness. It is what makes true kings. 

Because we are human, everything we do is wrapped in emotion. Righteous anger is void of hate, it is outrageously for those who find themselves in its storm. Hate is filled with an emotional rage that seeks to end its opposition by & through all means available. Righteous anger is the re-calling of destiny, and it is the re-establishment of promise. 

Righteous anger wins so that it might seat those defeated at the victor’s table.

It is the way of the true warrior. It is the banner of the true victor. It is the cry of the mother, and it is the heart of the father.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Call Your Friends Fools


Progressive Disagreement