ACB: A Responce to Holy
The following is a response from Andrew Charles Bailey to the post: Holy
I read Holy.
I agree with much of it as an accurate assessment of where we are. Many of your words are insightful and potent, as always. Anyone who knew a fraction of what you’ve gone through in the world of education would be blown away. While I recognize a fraction of what you’ve overcome in that space, every time I read something you write, it’s like eating a giant bowl full of ’not surprised.'
But I don't agree with the targets or the posture and I don't believe it is how you are anointed to fight.
I cannot think of a good reason to discredit scripture. Human history has yet to experience an expression of God that it has not found a way to contaminate - save the man, Jesus - and therefore we can't use it's effectiveness (or lacktherof) to credit its dismissal.
We can't use God's uncountable measure to discredit a finite thing. The capacity of words on a page are limited, but God cannot be contained even in the infinite and it is no more impressive to keep writing (and arguably less) than it is for the writing to stop and God to allow it to be called 'enough.'
I think what we agree on is that 'reading the Bible' can be about as fruitful as burning one to heat a home when a heart is compromised. I think we would also agree that a heart truly devoted to the Lord does not NEED the Bible to find closeness with the Lord, if one were not available. But I find neither of those realities, or the rampent abuse we've seen through the centries, as enough evidence to discredit it. I heard a testimony of a man in a closed country in the Middle East who was visited nightly by 'a man in a white gown' who every night would give him a setence or two to write down. After a period of time, this man met a believer who told him about Jesus and quoted John 3:16 (or something) and he said, "I have heaerd that!" After telling him the story and showing him all that he had written down, the missionary saw that the man had recieved the entire book of John by revelation from (who he believed to be) Jesus. Testimonies don't prove anything, but I do believe this one declares something - Jesus stands by The Bible.
From the time of Judges till Judah's exile to Babylon, there were high places - areas where people made sacrifices against the Lord's direction, but often with the intention of obedience. And while some kings created overt expressions of idol worship and others tore them down, those high places remained - though unapproved. They were areas where people were doing what they thought was right, but against the Lord's direction. This is true today. There are people who read the word, and yet are misaligned in their hearts. There are two people that can have a clear consciance. The innocent and the prideful.
I believe we can allow ourselves to be influenced by teaching through conversation, preaching, and writing and it does not need to be validated in canon for it to take effect and we don't need to discredit the Bible to receieve the value.
The Lord hasn't stopped speaking, but again, I see no reason for this to discredit the Bible as the Bible speaks to this truth. What holiness can be experienced on earth that the enemy doesn't seek to destroy in every capacity? If he can discredit it through false logic, he will. If he can discredit it through fear or wound, he will. If he can discredit it by having people live and believe only portions, he will. If he can discredit it by any means, by any representation, he will. Even you.
This is what I believe about the Bible.
I believe The Word - The Bible - is perfect and infallible. But I believe those words are often thrown around lazily and misunderstood. What I mean is that God crafted a sovereign invitation for us to encounter Himself through what could very easily be misconstrued as only words on a page. For thousands of years The Word has been living and active and transcended language and culture throughout generations to encounter, transform, and tune our hearts to His. While there have been cultures who have memorized scripture and had hearts so hard that they missed the encounter, and those that have experienced His presence through His grace with fractions of it - encountering The Word daily is as valuable and necessary to our spiritual life as eating food daily is to our physical bodies.
I believe you are called to be a prophetic voice - a voice that brings clarity from heaven and moves in power to align the earth so that it can receive an inheritance. This is because you are a man who hears from heaven when the world buries their head in the sand. I believe you have a gift that is irrovocable. I believe you have a level of favor and authority with man that you can build on your own terms. But your anointing - the grace, power, and favor of God on your words and actions - is held for you. I think this posture against the Bible is a chain.
You are a powerful person. Your courage and conviction are remarkable. I say that because I remark upon you often to those who don't know you and may never meet you, but you are worth talking about. As your brother and my closest friend, I believe you’re pointing your weapon in the wrong direction. Just as all those that praised Jesus three days prior were either chanting for his death, or deserted the premises, even if every person declaring The Bible is a complete fraud, it is not the enemy. The enemy is the enemy and I will not be distracted.
I believe there is healing for your heart in His Word - in the Bible. We all need healing, more than we realize, and our healing is necessary to align our heart and our strength - which work together to transact change on the earth. A wounded heart grows poisonous fruit. God is holding back your impact because he wants to heal your heart. You are incredible - your heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, but I believe God wants to make you whole.
I love you.