If you can’t talk about it, it owns you

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We must decide to face any topic no matter how difficult.

Full stop.

Anything less resigns us to an internal imprisonment and the road to serfdom.

Before I go any further, I want to state: You own yourself. Understanding the depth of this statement unlocks everything else I discuss. This single inalienable truth is worth contemplating for many lifetimes; it is the root and stem of fair, honest, and progressing human interaction.

The war for truth is won or lost on the battlefield for objectivity. Our collective objectivity begins when the masses have access to the full data set. Therefore, like every war for truth in the past, and every struggle toward understanding in the future, there is one main fight, the fight for abundant and open access to all the information and for that information to be thoroughly debated by every institution and pillar of our society.

Liars suppress, demonize, book burn, and ban people’s access to information and open discussion.

Truth seekers look to have ideas collide in a brilliant display for all to see. @Elon

It is time to move on from giving words power. The wake of powerful words is devastation. When words have power, they have no meaning. Take the word ‘racism,’ for example. This word is more powerful than many nation-states, yet we don’t know what it means. When words have power, they mute and often completely suffocate any honest discussion that might gather the masses around what is true.

When we give a word meaning, we gain understanding.

When we give a word power, we lose control.

If this journey towards a deeper understanding has taught me anything, it is that the most potent and subversive tool in this world is a powerful word, for nothing else convinces us to so thoroughly self-suppress and leave our adventure towards fulfillment on the launchpad. Beyond compromising our ability to see what is real, this autoimmune response removes our ability to triangulate self; it blinds our journey towards our heart’s eternal question; Who am I?

Powerful words are the genesis of genocide; they are the seed at the root of every major tragedy in history.

The delusion and brainwashing surrounding the Covid “vaccine.” is the proof I wish I never had. We now know this “vaccine” does not confer any long-term immunity, and many studies are showing negative efficacy. BUT, many were, and SHOCKINGLY still are, openly lobbying for un-“vaccinated” people to be denied life-saving treatment (see Jimmy Kimmel and the policies of many major hospitals nationwide). We gave the word “vaccine” power, thus stripping it of meaning; Webster went as far as altering its definition.

I hate that I now know how easy it is for normal people to advocate for and even celebrate the death of their fellow man. What I say next, I say with the heaviest of hearts. We must learn from this lesson because this same test is coming again... soon.

Those who tell us certain topics are dirty & unclean are cultish religious fanatics who blindly manifest the very fundamentalism they profess to abhor. These prophets of faux intellectualism should be ignored. These pariahs feed off attention; their kryptonite is irrelevance. This fight is a battle for the sovereignty of our minds.

If in our addiction to comfort, we refuse to wrestle with words, we will eventually be dragged to war. We can not escape truth’s victory: it comes by word, it comes by blood. We get to choose between the two.

There are no other options. So speak up.

The most important thing is the most obvious thing that no one will say… shout it!

If we refuse to, we damn the green fields of France to experience the suffering, the sorrow, the glory the shame, again and again and again and AGAIN!

  • The painting used for this post hangs in my office and was in part inspired by this song. It was painted by Linda Shaw, whose quality of work is only outmatched by the goodness of her heart. Thank you, Linda, for the passion you poured into this masterpiece. It is ever a reminder of our two choices and their consequences.

  • Many of the posts on the Samuel S. Adams blog give a more in-depth argument for why access to, and consideration of, the full relevant data set is preeminent.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory

Without restoration, victory is not victory; it is a seed for a greater destruction, a deeper sadness, and the feeling of being utterly alone. If whatever we are fighting for does not include restoration, we have, and we are already lost.

Sometimes the struggle towards what is right can feel so overwhelming, so let me leave you with this great news:

  • Goodness works. Evil does not work.

This is our greatest and most unfair advantage. Darkness may have every position of power and control over everything that holds attention, but their ways have not, and do not work. They always lead to utter-total-complete-massive failure… always.

We get to choose how everyone finds this out. By destruction, through the foolishness of evil. Or by enlightenment through the wisdom of goodness.

No one is going to do it for us.

It is up to us.

With such deep issues I encourage you to see that it isn't possible to fully explain the nuance of my beliefs in a way that correlates perfectly with the subset of information you carry into this reading. Remember, what you walk away with after each post isn't what I believe, rather it is what you now understand me to believe. This valuable lesson is something that I continue to remind myself. 
I know important hard topics carry with them the ability to make people angry; that’s ok. I’m really glad people care enough to be emotional. If you do get offended, please click here.