Seek Disruption

Disruptive people tend to disturb us. Because that is what they do. This is even the case for the firebrands among us; when they run into someone who, in turn, disrupts them, it can be quite uncomfortable. We tend to be most comfortable when WE are the most extreme person in our lives. It is rare for us to embrace and receive from someone more extreme than ourselves. For this to happen, there must be a serious level of trust. 

It is important to have these people in our lives. For it is only by extending beyond the range of comfort through the relative variance in our worldview that we wrestle toward progress. Sameness breeds sameness. In order for us to have personal progress, we must seek out people who, by their very nature, interrupt the comfort of our routine.

We must allow volatility, embrace chaos, and pursue disruption.

We must at times feel out of control, for it is in these moments where we find the opportunity to meet a side of ourselves that is a catalyst towards a new and better thing. This uniquely progressive part of our innermost being is accessible only through this discomfort. Every aspect of our character and thinking deserves & needs to be battle-tested and face a storm or two. In this testing, there is only so much rigor that can come from within, we must be tested by others. We must each find the areas in our lives that have not experienced a storm from without. Our greatest accomplishments will always be sold short if the testing of their metal only comes from the storm within. It is that unknown storm that always tunes our dreams and deepest callings into a symphony. 

Be Vast. Find the storm. Then go sailing.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

From the front


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