as ye sow

Problem-solving is the highest intelligence and the most useful attribute.

Deciphering unknowns into high-success probabilities is thee intelligence. Turning these unknowns into actionalbe solutions is the most valuable attribute at any time in any place. What is life if it isn’t a never-ending stream of unknowns bumping into our known, personal, and shared world? All the effort in the world is found somewhere on the scale between useless and detrimental when these efforts are pointed in the wrong direction.

How is this done? Let’s look at it a few different ways:

  • (decoding unknowns) + (discipline to execute) + (intuition & wisdom) = Problem Solving

  • (Truth) + (Action) + (Timing) = Problem Solving

Problem-solving is triangulating the position of the unknown by using areas of high intelligence, which are turbo-charged by experience and knowledge.

This world is totally connected; everything speaks to everything. The more positions from which you can triangulate the unknown, the more accurate the coordinates. Are certain intelligences more useful depending on the area of the unknown? Of course. Yet, life has taught me that some of the most accurate and important solutions have come from someone triangulating unknowns from high places that buck the system and are counter to the norm.

One of the reasons we are to Be Vast is to pursue our ability to solve problems and, therefore, be useful.

This post is a continuation of the post, Be Vast.

Some links are to readings of the full poem.

There are some lies that we all agree to tell.

As it is everywhere, we collectively agree to ignore what is real; we set ourselves to not just fail but misdiagnose the issue and, therefore, exacerbate the problem with our misplaced solution. In these areas, our reactions and emotions will leap out of us without reason and the croc-brain assurances of militant passthrough thinking.

In these areas, I wish you well. Hold Tension, Be Vast, and Remember, only restoration brings victory.


Remember, the difficult word sheaths the sword. 

How many loved you moments of glad grace? - Yeats

Exceptions made to inalienable & civil rights are the poison pill. Always.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,

And our hearts, though stout and brave,

Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,

In the bivouac of Life,

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife!

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

100 million hammers,

100 million more,

100 million sickles, 

100 million poor, 

Starving, fleeing, fainting, reeling, 

Murder box car, a murdering tongue,

Soljenitsin wrote it in gray. 

He wrote it in gray, 

He wrote the frame,

Whispers to whispers,

Chains to chains. 

Victims covet victims, and God is no more,

The assailant hides where years of snows form,

Unity through uniformity, 

The lies come quick,

The failure was grand, 

The makeup is thick,

Justice is marred where cocktails abound,

A 30-front war.

No victory is found. 

The rules ever-changing,

Common man’s woes, 

It’s bullshit, you know it,

The emperor has new clothes.

- Samuel S. Adams

Lend to the rhyme of the poet, the beauty of thy voice

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Solve Problems.

Make Ready.

Be Dangerous,

Do Justly,

Love Mercy,

Be Vast.



They won’t let Trump win.


Absolute Free Speech