Who’s “THEY?”

We have all heard it, something THEY are up to. And we have also all heard someone say… Who is “THEY?” It’s a good question.

It's the Illuminati, right? Sure… maybe… this term has been used so often in many ways it has lost some meaning. The real answer to this question is fairly simple, so simple it might underwhelm you into not believing it. While simple, it is also the greatest web of power ever wrapped around this 3rd rock from the sun. Their reach and scope of influence dwarfs Cyrus, Cesar, and Charlemagne.

All of history is a story of powerful people using that power to keep and take more power. It is as sure as death and taxes.

You might say, “Ok, ok… I agree, that’s true… but who is they?”

Here it is.

“THEY” are an incestuous group of powerful governments and massive corporations working together to control global markets, nation-states, and individual peoples.

Think English nobility, think in terms of Dukes, Marquess, Earls, Viscounts, Barons, and Lords. They all hate each other and are looking for any slip from their rivals so they might use their face as a step up. But they don’t hate each other more than they want to keep the gravy train running. They don’t hate each other more than they love that the whole system exists to keep money flowing from the bottom to the top, from the middle to the top, and also from those perceived to be high up.. to the tippy-top.

But just like with the Lords and Ladies, there is a King and Queen.

The King isn’t a person as much as it is a system, a machine of enslavement greater than all others, one system to rule them all. It is a system of time theft. Fiat Central Banking.

Central banking fiat money.

They all own each other, and in their mind, everything is us vs them. The largest corporations are invested… no… entangled fundamentally with their supposed rivals. Have you seen a heat map of Forutne500/S&P100 companies in this industry or that owning one another, deeply intertwined with their so-called competitors?

They all own each other, and in their mind, everything is us vs them. WW1, The Great Depression, and COVID all served as a massive wealth transfer from the lower, middle, and upper classes to the ruling class. During COVID, when they shut down smaller businesses while keeping huge corporations open, it was them taking from us.

We will not win… CANNOT win until we deliver a hard reset, until we restore Western governments to the factory settings of the sovereign individual.

If you are interested in knowing more, simply pay attention; it’s quite obvious. A few good resources are people like:

  • Whitney web

  • Peter Dale Scott

  • Jonny Vedmore

Boycotts only work to an extent; deleting your Amazon account will do very little. We must lop off the head of the snake. Central Bankings Fiat money.

We are living in the age of power to the people. We are going to win. The question is how. The more we all own our part in this victory, the more we live like it is up to us, the less it will cost. But the more we fall into apathy, the greater the bill.

What will it take? It will take each of us being honest with ourselves, and saying yes to the part that only we know we must play.

In the meantime. Be sovereign. Buy Land. Buy Bitcoin. Join Nostr. Get a gun, train with it. Live in community. Raise a Banner. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy. Hold Tension. Be Vast.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.



First things First