They won’t let Trump win.

The First two pharagraphs I wrote in January 2024. It is all so obvious. 

Under no circumstances will they let Trump win. We will have to take this victory by brute force. We will have to push past their: bribery, blackmail, cheating, slander, lawfare, threats, and assassinations.

Trump winning, aka the people winning, will only come with tremendous bravery from many people. Trump isn’t a savior, he can’t do it. We must. WE MUST!

“No one is coming. It is up to us.” This statement is as real as gravity. To the extent a society relies on saviors, it will open itself up to every sort of delusion, and treachery.

The Butler PA assassination attempt wasn’t the last hit. Not even close. Moreso, removing/killing Trump is far from their goal. He isn’t the prize; we are. Trump, our Heimdall, is just the one in the way of their fiendish desires.

They have to finish the job; we the people have seen too much… they know we will not forget. Slumber is no longer an option. It is us or them. They know it, do we? If you don’t think so, you need to show a version of this story where the creeping, ever-expanding bureaucracy all of a sudden decides to reign in its overreach, where droning public employees start to give a damn and shrink their budget and scope of control. I have never seen someone spend more time looking at the ways of government and come to the conclusion that things are not that bad.

More is to come, batten down the hatches. More is to come, Make Ready. The target is set. We the people have been marked. This is not a guess; this is an obvious observation. What is happening in England, they want to do here. They are coming for your privacy rights, speech rights, right to be dangerous, and right to a fair and speedy trial. They are coming to control everything.

They will find us with a lamp lit.




Absolute Free Speech