To: 2025
The Foundation of a Building will always define what it might be.
2025 will be a foundational year for the next century and many centuries to come. Lean in. It is up to us. And, as always: Hold Tension, Be Vast.
To: 2025 and all who live in it. From: everything I am, all that I have become. This is my message to you, us, we:
The meek will inherit the Earth
The strong, who restore the weak seeking destruction bring the only victory worth keeping.
Total Victory only comes from Total Surrender.
Enough of this Shit!
Your bullshit isn’t any better than their bullshit.
One plowshare at a time
In wisdom and one step at a time, we go from artillery to innovation.
It is what it is
It will be what it will be. Observe and report.
Milk & Honey > Fire & Brimstone
Restoration alone brings victory.
1: The meek will inherit the earth
The strong, who restore the weak seeking destruction bring the only victory worth keeping.
Meekness lifts those up who are against them in such a way that they may never even know how it happened. Meekness restores the very fool who attacks them so that all might thrive to the greatest extent possible, their reward is the increased flourishing of all people in every place on earth.
Total Victory only comes from Total Surrender.
Weakness has brainwashed many in our time to believe that Evil is the big show when it comes to awesome displays of power. Even in our movies… the bad guy snaps his fingers, and the universe changes. The good guys are so much more polite, they are so much nicer and less violent. That is not how the world actually works. We the people, the lovers of goodness and freedom, are unmatched in both resolve and ferocity. There is no wrath like the might of Good Men. We don’t have to be nice to Evil, and we are not going to be. If that offends you, so be it, it won’t change what is coming. We are going to put the Fear of the LORD into those who would have, with noses in the air, subjugated us. Evil only responds to one thing: overwhelming, suffocating, awesome force. We will all be witnesses.
2024 was the very beginning of Freedom’s takeover. The Right-Left back-and-forth of the past decades is over. The authoritarians, aka Democrats, went all in on control, they moved to take power from all, and forever. The only reason we still have any freedom at all isn't because the ruling class didn't want to take them, but because we wouldn’t allow it. They came for everything and lost. They shot at the King and missed. Yes, they shot at Trump and missed, but that isn’t what I am talking about. We the people are the Kings and Queens. They shot at us. And if you are going to shoot at the King you had better not miss… because if you do, you shouldn’t be surprised about what happens next. The rightful hair and true sovereign is coming for Throne.
To the assassins and traitors who have been, at best, selling out, but more often backstabbing the American people… the gallows you prepared for our constitution and republic will not go unused. No treaties with traitors. There is nothing to negotiate. Freedom isn’t up for discussion. Justice will only look like retribution to the extent that restoring it forces it to be. Where restoring Justice looks like Revenge… Good.
It is time to use power for good. The time of ankle-grabbing must come to an end. For those flexible glutens for punishment who have become accustomed to such spankings, the change in scenery may be a shock. My least favorite delusion might be that those currently representing the freedom-loving have, at their core, come to believe that only the other side gets to use power. We have a hammer, and it is endowed with energy and righteous anger of the people; like it or not… it is going to smash bureaucratic bullshit… if your teeth get in the way, that is on you. Know what time it is.
3: Enough of the Bullshit.
Your bullshit isn’t any better than their bullshit.
Hey, religious folks! Remember what happened last time you tried to make what you call sin illegal? It caused you to lose the power you thought you had… Yeah, let’s not do that again.
4: One plowshare at a time
In wisdom and one step at a time, we go from artillery to innovation.
Hold fast the tension of the great men whose shoulders you so proudly stand upon. I know you are proud of them, as am I. We owe it to those who dared, to those who gave their one noble life to the cause of liberty, they deserve our utmost. In years that try men’s souls only the strong are sovereign, only the dangerous are counted, only those with wrath get a say, a vote when it actually matters. We must bring that wrath with a mighty justice, with a quick and plentiful mercy. Thucydides was right, "The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.”
Our modern-day redcoats are not like those of old, they don’t want to fix bayonets, they don’t want to ascend the hill, they do not want to find out. This is only because they fear our ability to bring violence to their doorstep. When they see us gathered atop our Bunker Hill, with tails between their legs, they will get back on their boats and sail away. If I promise anything, if there is but one guarantee in this world, it is this: the freedom we do have is because the ruling class fears what the American man might do if pushed too far. Keep it up. Make Ready. Be Vast. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.
5: It is what it is
It is time to observe and report. It is time to call things what they are again. It is again time to not just Tell the Truth without Fear or Favor, but without Shame and Guilt. There has been a dark cloud of shame over important observable matters of record. This must end. It’s time for the boys to be quote crime statistics with chins held high and their face to the sun.
There are two types of first-world nations: those who created it, and those who are at least competent enough to implement it. There are levels to things thing. Learn the difference. We are not the same. If your country is the second one, and if you live in Europe… that’s you… some gratitude is in order.
6: Milk & Honey > Fire and Brimstone
The hallmark of MAGA will be the enormity of former haters who become its most vehement flag wavers. How will this happen? For the same reason, if you were to compare Hunts gas station microwave pizza to Johnny's on Bleecker St NYC’s coal-fired pizza. Any confusion would be either a lie or clinical. When goodness actually has the power and will to implement the principles of freedom, the outcome and juxtaposition are undeniable. This will happen because what we do works. Goodness works. Freedom works. Control does not. Control is ruthless about things that matter little; Freedom is forgiving about things that matter greatly. Control forces a few to sacrifice for the greater good. With freedom, the masses are willing to sacrifice greatly to help a few in dire straights. Control is hoping for a chance to have enough cover to use Fire and Brimstone on its perceived enemy. Freedom holds the line; it is the law of attraction at scale; it uses force in defense of life, liberty, and property. Big Gov folks, Statists, Democrats… everything is going to be ok, freedom is coming for you… with Milk & Honey.
Forgive them; they don’t even know what they are doing. You have done the same thing or similar things. So have I. Not on the same level maybe, but by the same human spirit. True greatness befriends its enemy, for there is no greater defeat of an enemy than to render them friend. The roots of progress come from seeds planted in Common Ground. On this common ground, in our shared world, any split among us might only be a temporary fix, in reality, we are bound together. Therefore, it is restoration alone that brings victory. Without restoration, victory is not victory; it is a seed for a greater destruction, a deeper sadness, and the feeling of being utterly alone. If whatever we are fighting for does not include restoration, we have, and we are already lost. Without restoration, the mission, For all to Thrive, never leaves the shire. This of course does not defeat Mordor, it ensures Mordor comes to Hobbiton.