Those who Pay the Price should Pick the Piper


If weapons and training aren’t for you?

Too bad. What do you think a VOTE is?

Like it or not, you have a GUN in your hand.

Watch this video… this is the power of a VOTE: Click Here


Imagine our collective reaction if this video were of two YOUNG WOMEN?

… give it time to sink in…

… more time… be honest with yourself…

… I know for me, my reaction would be significantly more intense… “We would have to make it stop!”

QUESTION: What is the best way for those who don’t pay the price to participate in a system that delivers maximum benefits with minimum risk?

Does one buy Bitcoin or Tesla stock at the price they deserve?…

… or should some be able to buy in at the 2012 price?

Allowing anyone, in anything, to have an equal position without equal participation is worse than what we booted Ole’George out for: taxation without representation… IT IS REPRESENTATION WITHOUT TAXATION. No wonder 2/3s of the US budget goes to handouts… Yep, you got that right, 66%! Our entire system of choosing leaders gives equal position to the takers and those who pay for everything, both in money and blood.

Any system that detaches risk and reward is, at best, indentured servitude of one group for the benefit of the other.

In time, such a system inevitably leads to full-scale tyranny.

Many minds are too bound with FIAT bullshit even to allow such honest questions.

Why should women have equal representation if they have never and will never pay an equal price?

Your Xbox doesn’t get to mine BTC because you want it to. You have to build something that can participate. There is no PROOF OF WORK without the WORK part. With BTC and everything that brings us progress and higher levels of functionality, there is no reward without WORK. This is how all institutions and operations work best. This is the type of future we should work towards.

This question isn’t to de-value women in any way. Their value is certainly equal. Treating things as they are, and are not, is a prerequisite to honoring and valuing things properly.

What is FIAT if it isn’t those reaping the value without the cost of creating it?

What is money printing if it isn’t picking favorites through subsidies?

Does your miner with 10x less compute yield the same as one with 10x more?

People cannot be freed by the same injustice that enslaved them.

One more time.


Stop pussy-footing around. Stand on business, stand with the truth. In big and small, we have been enslaved by giving power to those who do not bring value, from Fiat bankers down to the entitlement class; we have allowed all sorts of takers and pencil-pushing fuck-wits to make a lion's share of the decisions that impact us all.

Government should only be big enough to protect life, liberty, and property. It should matter little, VERY LITTLE in the day-to-day.

If government existed in its only useful form, a necessary evil, a limited-scope system to ward off the Stalins, Keynes, and Marx of the world… if we the people re-establish a limited government, should those who don’t pay the price get to vote?

A government is always a gun… and with such limited scope government, the gun goes from pointing at us, to pointing outward to any who would threaten life, liberty, and property. A gun that ONLY men carry the responsibility for. In such a world, voting would again be the promise to lay one’s life down for a friend.

In such a world, should women who don’t pay the price participate in the decision of who will send men to die? Can you imagine if men were allowed to send women alone to die? HAHAHA, the very thought of it is almost unimaginable. Think about the absurdity of what we have normalized in our collective worldview… should your friend who you let sleep on your couch choose where you go on vacation?? Should they get to choose what you do with your bonus check???

Our Fiat brains get so offended when we question the Fiat narrative.

Making government the size that it should be is pro-women and pro-men. It gives women the power and authority to make the powerful choices over their sphere of influence. It limits the government to its one form of utility. In such a time granting men, who do all the dying, the right to do all the choosing who leads them in such affairs is basic logic and moral reasoning.

Ladies… I’m not sure you understand… If we were able to curtail government into its only useful form, women would have WAY WAY WAY MORE power even without voting. If the government does little, the loss of participation, at the most, is little… and if the little power the government does have doesn’t pertain to women, then not participating should be NBD. That is unless you are the type of psycho who wants the power send others to die for you. Ladies… watch this Video… at scale, this has never been you. It never will be you… and you should be grateful for that.

In conclusion, if government were limited to protecting life, liberty, and property, voting should be up to men.

Don’t get lost in the emotional sauce. The full-scale solution I am advocating for makes the individual female a Queen compared to the surf she is today. Don’t go all Stockholm syndrome on me; I’m here to propose a rescue.

I am advocating for a renaissance of feminine power. Where their household passes down their decisions (“votes”) for generations. You want to make decisions about your children’s schooling… too bad, that’s the Department of Education’s call, not yours. I am proposing giving 100% of those decisions…(“votes”) to you. Do you want RAW milk and cheese? … too bad the FBI just raided your milk dealer… I am proposing giving 100% of those decisions (“votes”) to you. Do you want expendable income?… Too bad the government needs money to pay for all sorts of stuff you don’t care about… I am proposing giving 100% of those decisions (“votes”) to you. In this proposed solution, women regain 99% of their voting/decision-making power. Again, this is power to the people, both male and female.

Without an unapproachable government, households form into something similar to the Scottish clans of old, where women thrive making powerful decisions that help the whole community thrive. Such liberty replaces the emptiness of Big-Gov handouts that leave the feminine lost, depressed, and searching for purpose, for the deep fulfillment of generational family… a family that knows your name for generations to come and passes down your wisdom continually. For more on the importance of the broader family unit, read: Call the Banners.

Ladies, whether you know it or not, the paragraphs above ARE what you have been searching for all along. Sadly, many will choose to fight me from the side of their captor, and they will bring this fight as if their life depended upon it… they will do so because their lives DO depend on this lie.

Believe you, me… I know what asking these types of questions and coming to these types of conclusions will do for my social credit score. It is what it is.

If we refuse to ask hard questions, we will worsen these hard times.

It is up to us.


Records: THE ONE WAR

