Christianity is lost

Christianity is lost in purpose. Even the greatest among the church feel like there is something more, but they don’t know what. 

Outwardly they proclaim fresh revelation but inwardly within the silence of their own hearts, they feel the gap between the voice of God and their capacity to hear. 

Very few, if any, have brought more than one understanding to the world. (e.g. Moses could bring Israel out of Egypt but not into Canon) The cyclical rise and fall of a wineskin from new to old where the revelation goes from fresh fire to the solid rock to build your next house upon is a journey so FULL that second ascents remain incomprehensibly rare. Before we have those, who do two things we first need a culture that builds upon the solid rock foundation of yesterday’s revelation instead of our current trend where we are buried by it. Smothered and suffocating in comfort we add new frills and call those frills fresh fire. We may fool our minds but never our hearts, we may fool the wise but never the brave. We choose John while heaven chooses Peter, Saul while favor anoints David. We praise the latter from the pulpit while the actions of the church promote, glorify, honor, and replicate almost unanimously and exclusively the former. 

Yet there will one day be those who bring two movements to the earth. But currently, our mighty leaders find themselves like Moses unable to birth a second child. Like Moses, they strike the rock, like Moses their revelation knows only the desert of yesterday’s blessing and like Moses, their eyes and ears are tuned to the desert and will die in the desert. 

This feeling isn’t foreign, all who seek the truth know it. That complacent longing for the old spark. The memories of when we surprised even ourselves. 

Sadly we do not have Calebs in the church's forefront following our Moses. We have well-intentioned Pharisees creating religion out of our spiritual fathers’ wisdom all while claiming we stand on their shoulders. We are riding coattails at best. 

Religious culture has created a factory of self-replication, reproducing itself over and over and over and over and over and over. #taleasoldastime. We mimic our leaders not in their bravery but in their practice. And through this flattery, the vanity of power anoints its Saul. 

So our leaders try harder at yesterday’s revelations to hopefully squeeze a little more out of the voice of God that was, as if they do it better it will reignite the fire they remember. The fire that was life. But the fire is out, in many cases it’s not even smoking. The spirit of adventure fades as these great men fight the spirit of religion. They fight it well with all the fruits of the spirit. But like the men of Masada each daily victory is just one more day towards death. 

He is the fire and the fire is life. Today’s fire was made in fire. Birthed by fire and burned into righteousness. Today’s fire was formed in hell on the altar of righteousness by the sacrifice of perfection to the torment of evil. Today’s fire is a result of the natural consciousness of extreme abuse upon innocence. For Jesus entered hell the lamb of God completely incapable to resist the torments of the fallen. But as He who knew no sin, became sin for our sake the “deeper magic” of “every weapon fashioned against us will prosper us,” manifested a Lion. Thee Lion. The Lion of the tribe of Judah. Satan and his angels didn’t let Jesus out. No, they thought they had won. We must understand this, Satan is NOT on God’s side, and if he knew what was going to happen when Jesus died Satan would have NOT pursued that end. What happened was to the greatest surprise of hell, the powerless lamb rose a mighty Lion. And as the full weight of hell fell upon Him Jesus with the greatest act of violence tore out of hell with the most extreme dismembering prejudice. The gates of hell will not prevail against us because they didn’t prevail against Him. 

Today’s fire is the promise of victory. Victory. FULL STOP. Complete, total victory. We must stop explaining away the finality and totality of His victory. It is all-consuming and it only comes through the most powerful thing in the universe: THE WILL OF MAN. His victory that flows through his right hand, towards the fulfillment of his victory promise. His fire is to see Love dominate every pillar of society. He came to say you go first and be the kings of society’s mountains. Glory to glory is a tower of revelation where each level increases the tension between two seemingly opposing ideas. Dominate. Love. 

The church has relinquished its calling to DOMINATE. It is either dominate or be subjugated further to our current afterthought status. We must Dominate, Not by tradition, not by letter. But by love.

The fire is strength. The fire is exodus 15:3. The fire is the warrior. The fire is the whip not the whipped. The fire is the lion. For ONLY a Lion can be meek. 

The lion. The lion. The lion. 

The lion is the one animal in the animal kingdom that kills and does not eat. 

THE LITTLE BITCH IN ALL OF US NEEDS TO SAY YES TO THE LION, or the bride will continue its worthless downward spiral as the world's whipping boy. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

It is up to us


The Lion