Seek Disruption

It is said that to be a good Judge you must at times rule against your own opinion. If you find yourself continuously personally agreeing with the decisions you hand down, that would be a strong indicator that you are acting as a sort of monarch and not as a fair judge. Similarly, if your revelations always agree with your opinions it points towards a weak relationship with He who is holy and set apart. Your revelation should offend you. The increasing of your wisdom should offend what was. 

We must make it a habit to offend ourselves as often as possible. It would be no small honor to hold the title of most offenses overcome. And this habit to offend isn’t for the sake of offense but for the sake of freedom, for the sake of Glory. When I see the word of the Lord preceding from my life and offending others it is hard to describe the feeling. It brings me back. I so badly want to hold that person and help them, I see in them the same battle I have so often waged within myself. It's so hard. So very hard. It fills my heart with a longing to comfort that pain. 

That pain that is the exposing of our pride that we know better. The pain that exposes the gaps in what we understood in our own very calling and purpose. For the next glory not only brings the hope and excitement of a new song, but is mixed with the shame of, why did it take me so long to get here? This of course is a lie from darkness and is to be laughed away each time it inevitably comes.  

Follow offense. Always. Follow it to the bitter end.

There is a lesson no matter what. Seek and you will find. Ask and it will be given to you. It is important to remember that not all asking is seeking. Believe you/me that when the demon asked Jesus a question it was not seeking. It is dangerous to fool yourself that all of your questions are honest seeking. It is dangerous to fool yourself that you will find a true answer when your heart is not honest in its seeking. 

Often we ask questions towards our offense not in a spirit of seeking but in the spirit of tradition and religion, the question becomes a wall to project what you have deemed as eternally correct. In this, you forget that God isn't offended at honest seeking. He will be just fine. He is a grown-ass man. Rather, He is asking you to follow your offense. This is not to say you are not to stand on holy ground with conviction. Not at all. But it is to say that it would do you well to develop the wisdom to distinguish the difference between offense and standing firm. Like everything this comes with practice, at first, they are indistinguishable. But soon, you will know with certainty the former from the latter. 

It's ok to be wrong. God actually encourages it. Rejoices in it. Honors it. Creates bloodlines from it. Builds Kingdoms out of it. He, with great passion, rejects its opposite, not even allowing this weed to grow up with the wheat to be separated at maturity and be burned. That which burns is that which is cold. For a cold heart finds heat through and by its process of being destroyed, laid bare, and exposed. What he has for this, the opposite of his heart is the refusal to even digest it. God refuses the disgrace of even shitting it out of his holy asshole. He will have no part of it within the body. He spews it from his mouth before any of its toxins might enter the body. He spits it out of His mouth before more damage can be done. For it is the opposite of His heart. This of course is the spirit of lukewarm. The spirit that is too scared to make a mistake that it buries the risk of loss only to, at the end of days, dig it up in shame to hold it in front of our Lord. 

If your reaction to offense looks anything like Saul’s response to David  (Not in action but within your heart as the hatred of heart is murder and lust is adultery) then it is a good sign to follow the offense. It really doesn't mean you are wrong concerning the “topic”, that is important to remember. It means your heart needs to go on an adventure. Because in the kingdom of heaven it matters how you win. It matters how you are right, heaven and the principal, “by any means necessary,” have never intersected. 

In fact, the whole point of this writing is not to address our correctness or lack thereof. It is to address the importance of offense and using it to our benefit. It can be harnessed to incredible ends. My prayer for you is as it is for me, to have the wherewithal to 1) get offended and 2) the courage to follow that offense to its mighty and fruit-bearing end.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

My Creed


There is a Time