Under Cyrus at Best

As Jesus was a man anointed to bring men to the Father so Israel was a nation anointed to bring nations to the Father. Where Israel failed He did not. Yet this victory wasn’t and isn’t a rape of will or mugging of destiny. In its establishment, it created the possibility for an open invitation from heaven to do and be something great. 

Like Israel, where we sleep on calling others will dominate. Where we rearrange the priorities of heaven: Babylon, Assyria, Persia & Rome will gladly and entrenching-ly fill the void. The gap between our passive, submissive, lazy, and un-anointed identity that is satisfied with whatever worldly ends we deem sufficient, and our calling to take courage and subdue the earth can indeed survive a lack of perfection but it can not and has not survived its active abandonment. 

NOTHING will satisfy you except an adventure towards total world domination of the principles of the garden... freedom. It was in the freedom of the garden we first sinned, and it is in the freedom of the garden we will again learn to progress from glory to Glory. 

For the sake of freedom, you have been set free. The simplicity and endless depth of this truth is enough for millennia of compilation. But sadly, the simplicity of freedom being both the goal and process broadly eludes us. We feel that the importance of freedom is still up for debate. It isn't. It wasn't. It never will be. We were created by it, set to live within it. When it was lost it was sacrificed for. Yet somehow we have largely been duped into thinking it can be surrendered for. I won’t be duped into surrendering for it, Not Now, Not Ever. 

And if it is true, that there is no greater love than to lay one's life down for a friend, what great friendship this inheritance is for we who have been so blessed to live in these united states.

Sadly when Christians achieve power, they do exactly what God never has. Make sin illegal. This manipulation and control is what it is. Wrong. God doesn't do it for the same reason we shouldn't. IT DOESN'T WORK. It is the trading of real long-term victory for fake short-term achievement. 

To have a strong resolve we must start with the certainty of the righteousness of our position. We must maintain the supremacy of our position when reflected against what others have proposed as progress. 

We must stand on an immovable resolve that, abortion is murder. Free speech is foundational. Religious liberty is non-negotiable. The second amendment was written for the purposes that it was clearly written for. Economic freedom is the only thing that has ever brought nations or peoples out of poverty. Human flourishing is the goal and so forth. 

You have a role to play. And it's about time you play it.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Lion


It is all about who governs