A bold dive into the unseen.

If an established religion binds your identity, whether it be: Atheism, Christianity, or anything else, you are not ready for what you are about to read. Be careful.

Below is a window into a spiritual journey dedicated to living life as yourself and loving others as yourself. Both are realized through holding tension and the process of offending yourself.

Many wisdom traditions constantly pine about how big and infinite their deity is, then meltdown when they see someone dare explore that vast mystery. Here we leave that inconsistent prideful thinking behind.

No matter where you are if you are looking to experience God, all you must do is go to where he is. It is beautifully simple; where God is, is who he is; Loving. I have often told people that getting to that place is as simple as finding any person, doesn’t matter who, look at them deeply, and in your own heart and mind love them. In every way you can think and imagine, wish good things upon them, try to see them for who they truly are in that moment, and love them there with everything you have. Don’t hold back. For God is always there, loving people. And it is there that you will find both him, and yourself.

All of life’s beauties are unlocked in loving others as yourself.

Our vast universe is full of beauties to be found!

Yet, in our adventure through this infinite expanse, it is scary how often we all find the same thing. This is because most aren’t actually finding anything. Sadly, at best, most are simply becoming a slight deviation tethered to some Frankensteinian combination of what our environment considers acceptable… all to appease our addiction to status, acceptance, and comfort.

All too often we celebrate this short leash deviation as freedom and uniqueness. I am here to tell you it is bondage. In this imprisonment there is little room for self, there is little room for the remarkable and infinitely unique beauty that we have always wanted to unleash, and that the world around us has always needed.

Who we are is a deep beauty that only a true adventurer will uncover. For most, we have spent years militantly learning how to think only with approved lenses. We are told that the self is selfish. No. Only in a world full of self-actualized individuals might our vast, diverse beauties bring true progress, thriving and flourishing.

Live life as yourself

Fools build a fort around perceived destinations. Wisdom lingers in genuine journeys.

We are all vast. But sadly, it is more comfortable to simplify our honest depth in a fearful trade for acceptance. The less that we are, the less there is to expose, the less there is for others to reject.

The more we allow ourselves to show, the greater the possibility there is for pain and hardship. I promise you the rewards outweigh the sacrifice. If you find yourself on this site, you are likely more prone to wander. I encourage you to say yes to the adventure before you. Knowing still that the degree of adventure you accept is the degree of hardship you will face. Fear is a liar.

Go anyway.

We are often most blind within the areas of our greatest convictions, and it is here where we must welcome offense.

Apart from offending yourself, there is only soulless sameness.

Embrace offense.

The inner peace you have always sought only comes when you stop running from all that you are.

Please don’t get to the end of your days without answering thee question;

Who am I?

With such deep issues I encourage you to see that it isn't possible to fully explain the nuance of my beliefs in a way that correlates perfectly with the subset of information you carry into this reading. Remember, what you walk away with after each post isn't what I believe, rather it is what you now understand me to believe. This valuable lesson is something that I continue to remind myself.