Thank you for disagreeing

I'm so glad you disagree. 

I know you disagree because you have a beautiful, genuine heart that cares deeply about people. I know you disagree because you want to see rights wronged and hurts healed. I disagree because I want those things too.

The following pharagraph uses the titles and themes to link to the other posts in Common Ground USA 

Thank you for disagreeing! Thank you for caring about people enough to stand up for them, to make their cry, your cry. I hope you know how much I appreciate your mission to see hope realized and dreams fulfilled. In our disagreement, it isn’t my mission to belittle or berate you even where I think you are a fool, for you have what I need and I have what you have been searching for… Great Unity only comes through Great Division. I hope to humanize your goals, and the people around you, who no matter how much I disagree with, are not my enemy. Any anger I do have comes first from my mission to restore. You and I must determined to band together in stalwart rebuke of the War Against Our Unity that spills from every pillar of our society. We have more in common than we think. It is up to us to use this common ground in order to stand against their mission for us to hate each other so deeply that even where our values align, we Disagree to Agree. We must each give ourselves a Heart Check. We must each face the Great Tenssions that hold our shared world together. Our mission should be to have a Progressive Disagreement that builds the “other” side up, that leads our opposition to thrive in more and more amazing ways.

Nothing would be worse than everyone agreeing with everything I post. Total agreement is the death of progress. 

If there is only agreement, then everything stays the same. It is by and through how we see things differently that we are able to suss out a better way of doing things.  

To be progressive is to allow for… no ... create bigger and bigger stages for disagreement to be shown to larger and broader audiences. 

The degree of progress that stems from our disagreement is measured in the maturity we bring to our progress.. I mean disagreement. These two words are attached at the hip. They are not different sides of the same coin, they are the same side of the same coin. As Frank Sinatra would say, “you can’t have one without the other.” 

The land of our disagreement is the common ground of our most meaningful progressions.

It is up to us to get better and better at disagreeing. We must grasp the tension between holding our positions with great vehemency and seeing those who hold the exact opposite position as the good people they are. We may call their position; foolish, moronic, or even the root of evil, yet we must understand that the person on the other side holds said position ultimately for one reason, the betterment of our common trajectory. 

Are there actual bad actors, sure. But you don’t know any. Your brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or friend who disagrees with you isn’t one of them.. so stop treating them like one.

In a time where virtue signaling is to show agreement with the mainstream, we need those whose hat tip to virtue would be to signal with honor where they disagree. 

I am so excited to see how we disagree our way to a more perfect union. 


Thank you for disagreeing. Let's do this together.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The war against our Unity


People are not your enemy