The war against our Unity

The leaders of western nations have never been more unified. But why? In short the ruling class is united to keep ‘we the people’ from uniting.

Some allegiances are brought about due to a common goal, some by a common enemy. They have both. Their goal is more power and control; their enemy is you, the common man. This ever-strengthening Uni-Party spreads division through fear.

There are many cliches like, “the people united will never be defeated.” These tropes often get tossed aside as a joke.

There may be nothing more true. The ruling class knows this, and they fear it above all else.

Let's take a quick look at history. Powerful people use that power to keep and gain more power. There is no more consistent narrative for all of time.

But, we don't live in the same world we study in history. And though today’s ruling class may possess the same malevolent goals, their methods have drastically changed.

Collectively we are way, way more docile, domesticated, and "safe" than we were just a mere 100 years ago. Today, the way to wage a successful war is different than ever before. Everyone is looking out for the methods of Adolf & Mao, all while armies are being raised, armed, and sent into battle against us. Even after many defeats, we the people are still none the wiser. We are still waiting to fight the last war.

87k IRS agents is an army being raised to destroy you. Fiat manipulation is an army raised to subjugate you. Inflation is an army raised to enslave you. The media in an army raised to drug you. etc. etc. etc. These examples are 1 to 1 what Xerxes did in order to invade Greece. These examples are not “like” an army. THEY ARE THE ARMY. Simply put, we live in a time where the powerful few have awakened to the fact that the best way to take power is through brainwashing, division, and convincing people to hand over their sovereignty through social and legal pressures.

An overt attack against the people builds unity. The ruling elite has learned if they attack the masses in an outward physical way, no matter how great their advantage at the onset, the end will result in their destruction.

Our unity is their greatest fear. So through lawyers, statues, regulations, taxes, and endless lies, they keep us distracted and consumed with hating one another. We are that donkey with a carrot on a stick. And we are almost entirely blind to it. For example, less than 1% of people can articulate how this war against the common man has been fueled & funded: Fiat.

So, what do we do?

A good place to start is to get to know the people that you think you disagree with most. There are not only friends to be discovered but people who would give their very life for you. Deeply written into our humanity is a longing for true diversity, and when people have the courage to connect through disagreement, there is a unique bond formed.

Worst case scenario, you get the chance to be like Daryl Davis. Don't know who that is? He is living proof the mainstream hates unity. Look him up.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Best Things in Life are Free


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