Heart Check

(Evil vs Good) x Perception

If you are wondering what side of history you are on, here is a litmus test that stands the test of time.

The side that thinks they are doing good, but are in fact, participating in evil, are closed-minded and demand ideological purity; they are ruthless about things that matter little.

People that think they are doing good, and are actually doing good, are open-minded/hearted; they show mercy and forgiveness on issues that matter deeply.

To put it more concisely, but less precisely:

People who are doing evil are ruthless about things that matter little.

People who are doing good are merciful about things that matter greatly.

Now, of course, those doing evil will always say their ruthless actions are necessary... But if one applies a mild amount of reason with a tremendous amount of courage, the truth isn't hard to see.

Did being a Jew really matter that much in 1930s Germany?

Oh but "we" were told it did!

In this instance, all it would have taken is to see clearly is a small amount of reason, and yes, a massive amount of courage. These issues are always so. When every significant pillar of society is of one accord, many become unwittingly influenced by the pressure to conform.

But low and behold, here we go again. And while the consequences are different, the failure of reason is the same.

Currently, how much does it really matter that someone is unvaccinated?

Will anyone, Can anyone, ANYONE debate its efficacy… No one has, no one will. Let the significance of that sink in. Take your time.

If we were even allowed to review the data in open debate, it would be easy to see; it doesn't matter that much.

People thinking they are doing good have long destroyed lives and livelihoods over others being; Protestant or Catholic, Sunni or Shia, White, Black, Gay, Trans, Right Wing, Left Wing, and so on and so on.

Those in power always, always, always gain and keep greater amounts of power the more they divide us into groups that irrationally hate. And the more senseless the reason to hate, the easier it is to keep their well of power flowing.

No one is going to stop this tragedy of reason. It is up to us.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Responsibility of Power


Humanize your Enemy