Humanize your Enemy 

Have you ever found yourself rooting for someone in a show, movie, or book where the main character is a "bad guy?" If this has happened, it is likely because that particular story humanized that character, allowing you to relate to their plight. This doesn't mean you support their poor choices or bad behavior, but that you saw them as a real person who has the potential to grow and be something more. 

The truth is that the enemy is full of gems. The enemy camp is full of those that you would enjoy and celebrate with if greater wisdom and maturity were applied. The enemy camp is full of people who would give their life for you if they knew you in different circumstances. So much of our animosity is ginned up by outside forces. So little of our disdain comes from authentic lived personal experience. Compared to the pontificating of our beloved media, our enemy does not even exist. Compared to the division we have come accustomed to, our enemy is not ever there. When we move beyond the sly belittling of the other that we have been spoon-fed for so long, there is hardly an enemy left to fight.  

I recommend spending time wherever your supposed opposition lives and does life. Be with them; they are people with names; get to know them. 

There is no more significant way to consolidate power & control than to divide a people against themselves. Make no mistake, division is their goal. The greater the divide, the more power they have. Stop giving it to them. We are in dire need of a revolution of people humanizing their opposition. This is the anecdote to many problems in our time.  

The hope of the nations has been and will always be a great awakening towards truth. When we humanize people who oppose us, we create an atmosphere of safety, and it is when people feel safe that they allow themselves to grow and change. 

Who do I write this to? Everyone, but first to myself. In times like these, about half the world is trying to get rid of me because I have a verifiable level of protection from a particular virus that is more robust than any mandated injection might produce. Despite scientifically proving that my antibodies are on average higher than someone who has only had some injection, half the world is still seeking to remove me from broader society. If they succeed, what will I do? What will millions of us do? 

It is people's right to get antibodies from the virus itself if they so choose. Yet even those who have recovered and therefore have natural antibodies are given the boot. It is one-to-one like we are in an otherwise empty room with a dog, and half the people are screaming at the top of their lungs, “there is no dog.” No! There is a thing that is in a place, and that thing in that place can be observed plainly. Even in the face of this incontrovertible evidence, the "the-Science" doesn't care, for in their case; Narrative > Truth.

We all should be very careful about removing people's ability to work and participate in society. With even the briefest glance at history, it is clear that such actions are at least a significant contributor to physical violence. But that is what those in power want—the ability to justify their opposition's total elimination. 

We must not follow their lead. It is time for us to rend true greatness. True greatness holds within it the wisdom to befriend its enemy. On the other side of this wisdom is an age-altering awakening towards what actually works, towards progress, towards the increased thriving of all peoples of every nation. 


Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Heart Check


The Great Tension