The Best Things in Life are Free

This post is short, yet it might be the most important truth I have ever shown light upon.

The West's intelligentsia pat one another on the back for their accomplishments, awards, and accolades. And while we should honor and appreciate their efforts and, moreso, the results they produce, we need be careful that we do not put measurables above the humanity that is the engine behind them.

I know someone who stayed in college because someone said hello to them each day. Genuine interactions of kindness have not just brightened many a gloomy day but changed the very trajectory of a life and bloodline.

All goodness and the divine are found in loving those around you irrespective the depth of relationship.

Our relationship with the natural world and our fellow man is wrapped up in our utmost being present in every interaction and daring to use what might be a brief moment as a catalyst of encouragement that could change everything.

This world surely has its difficulties. To the extent, you say yes to adventure is the extent of hardship you will face. Go anyway. The maxim, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," is all too true.

The one who most starkly changes the world isn't Elon Musk or Steve Jobs; it is the one who lives their daily life cognisant of the weight they carry in every word and intention. It is one who treats every encounter as if it were a divine intervention of love for whosoever they are interacting with.

I have met two people who accomplish this with ease and wonderous grace, my father and my dear friend Mackenzie. I am forever thankful to know them. I marvel at and look to learn from how they honor and uplift their fellow man.

Hopefully, you too are blessed enough to have people in your life like them.

Do whatever it takes to grab some of that mastery.

The older people get, the more they look to leave a legacy on this earth. There is no legacy like that left by one who, by their every word and deed, ignited in those around them what it takes to answer the call they have long ignored but so desperately needed.

The best part about all of this is that it's free.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Unity because of Division


The war against our Unity