We have more in common than we think.

We have so much in common. Most people have an area of expertise where they do not trust the established “consensus.” For some, it is a mistrust of our fiat currency, they have a passion for a currency that works, i.e. Bitcoin. They do not trust the experts that have expanded our money supply faster than the economy's growth, printing over ⅓ of all dollars in about a year’s time. For others, it is natural health, they buck the paid-off scientific consensus that told us cigarettes were healthy. For others, it is the military-industrial complex. For still others, it is the lies about marijuana; for others, it is the lies about the existence of UFOs. YET, like the phenomenon where on a topic we are unfamiliar with, we trust everything someone says, BUT we laugh at how wrong the same people are when it is something we have knowledge about. In the areas of our passion, we gravely and deeply see how those in power lie to us and seek to manipulate reality, YET in areas we have given little independent reflection, we trust the mainstream and belittle those who dissent. 

I am calling for us to, and it is high time that we, the thinking people of the earth, support one another. It is for us to be a tool of their suppression no longer. It is for us to be a muzzle towards other freethinkers no longer. I have said many times that Unity has two forms. Real unity looks like diversity. For conforming unity is control and manipulation masquerading as the angel of light. Diversity looks like us, we the people, supporting other freethinkers in areas we would traditionally laugh or scoff at. Diversity looks like objectivity; in reflection towards history and precedence, objectivity examines all sides with an open mind.

Our common ground is that in areas where we have thought most we think differently from the mainstream, we disagree with the bought and paid-for elite experts. We must extrapolate this formula onto other fields, we must see that if our time and efforts were towards another study, we too would have rebellious beliefs.

We have to stop our need for “the man’s” approval. We must recognize this unhealthy need within ourselves, that we all have a certain tolerance to be different, and where that tolerance ends is where our blind conformity begins. 

Sadly most of our belief structures are developed NOT based upon our examination of relevant data but from our ability or lack thereof to handle the flack that comes from holding unordained beliefs. The mainstream theocracy of divinely ordained facts & consensus’ is just as religious and fundamentalist as any sect they so routinely look down upon. The storm we all weather, when their religious purity is threatened, keeps most thoughtlessly in line.

For us to leave this intellectual prison of our own making, we need only recognize it is our need for blind comfort that keeps us bound. We must recognize the lack of wisdom we put on display when we laugh at the experts in areas of our study just to dogmatically parrot those same experts where we know little.

This intellectual dissonance is an impossible roadblock to progress. It must be removed.

And its removal is up to us. No one will or can do it for us. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Great Tension