The Great Tension

Perfect vs Practical

Misunderstandings are often created in the gap between these two pursuits.

It is important to keep the purity of perfection in view. Yet all know the only way forward is by taking practical steps.

For a vast majority of us, the conversation around perfection creates little disagreement. This is good. If this were not so, we would have a whole different set of issues on our hands.

It is when we move the needle towards practicality that things tend to get derailed.

And in the calamity of this derailment, we forget our common purpose.

And in this forgetting, we begin to create simple straw men out of the ideas we disagree with. This allows our ideas to feel pure & powerful, it is the genesis of ignorance.

And it is in this ignorance that we begin to dehumanize.

And it is in this dehumanization we then allow the justification for the other to be defeated by any means necessary.

And when any means of winning are are the table, we create the environment for the horrors of history to not just be repeated but be magnified.

As often as needed take your conversations back to that common goal.

We must put the onus on ourselves to find the goodness in those with whom we disagree.

Outside of this, we will certainly belittle the horrors of the past 100 years, not in the shaming of their great revulsion, but in the comparative smallness of their destruction.


Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Humanize your Enemy 


We have more in common than we think.