Use the power we gave you!

I have had enough of Republicans being more passionate about the war in Ukraine and Ukraine’s border than our own border and the war being waged on the American people.

Every government action is a threat of war against the individual. Every government action is ultimately enforced by a gun.

What is happening in Ukraine is a government going to war against another government, what has been happening here at home is our even larger government going to war against the individual. This vastly simple truth eludes many, especially the most educated among us.

Where is all the love, not war chanting when it comes to unconstitutional laws? How about every COVID decree and mandate that is inforced at the tip of a gun? What happens when California demands people who wash hair as a part of their business first pay for a $2,000.00 license? Do you think they won't show up with a gun and stop you? They have, and they will. If you stop a shoplifter in some states, the Government will go to war against you. If you have a magazine with 11 rounds, the Government will go to war against you. If you send your kids to school unmasked, if you sat on the capital steps, if you were a cop and supported Kyle Rittenhouse, and so on and so on... THE LIST IS ENDLESS!

Never in American history has citizens’ lives been so scrutinized through the sight of a gun. Yet our "freedom-loving" elected officials can only gird their deepest passions for Ukraine!?! Where was this passion when we were told walls don’t work by people who live behind walls? Where was this passion when we were told we shouldn't have guns by people who are protected constantly by guns? Where was this passion when many were forced to take an injection that does not do what it was promised to do? And so on and so on!

I recently heard on a podcast how some Republican elected officials were waiting on their constituents to defy illiberal, immoral, unconstitutional mandates. These politicians were whining about how if the people wouldn't stand up, they couldn’t. I call B.S! Here is what actually happened, the people who first stood up were abandoned by those representatives. One person standing up in one way is more than enough for any representative to stand against tyranny, but they did little. So when others saw that their elected officials were paper tigers at best chose to get along ALONE best they could. I don’t know who needs to hear this but… Leaders LEAD!

If you have a rogue judge legislating from the bench, IGNORE IT! If your superintendent is unconstitutionally forcing masking, send your sheriff to ARREST HIM/HER!

Where are all the Pattons? Where are all the fighters? Do we even know what winning looks like? In whose veins does the blood of our founders flow!?

But woe to me and you who put these people in office. And shame on us if we don’t rip and replace.

It is up to us to choose fighters as our representatives, from dog catcher to the oval office and everywhere in between.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Jan 6th Prisoners