Jan 6th Prisoners

A letter to John Rose; Congressmen, District 6 Tennessee


  • One of John's constituents is being held without bail or trial for a year in a DC prison. John Rose was asked in a Q&A session about what he is doing / can do for the Jan 6th prisoners. His response was thoughtful and calculated, I think it could be properly summed up like so: It is sad what is happening, justice will win in the end, and we need to take back the house so we can look into how the Jan 6th prisoners have been treated.

Below is my email to him:


Thank you for your time today. It was great to hear you speak. I also want to thank you for handling our concerns with grace. If I had another moment of your time, I would like to put into words part of why I too, am so concerned with the treatment of the Jan 6th prisoners. I know we need to win the house and senate to do something through the confines of government. But in the meantime, I believe it is the right thing to do more.

Let me frame my concerns this way:

To my knowledge, Jesus speaks of doing something for him just one time. And surely it would be an honor to do something that any king would take note of, how much more so for the King of all Kings. In the story of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus says this. "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"

The least deserve the most. Our most. But who is the least?

In America, there may be no better example of the" least of these" than the Jan 6th prisoners. They are Americans, they are our brothers, and some are even our fellow district 6 members, your constituents.

I know the easiest way to do something is to wait until we have power on paper. But it is a lie to say we couldn't right this wrong now. Politics is indeed downstream from Culture. And people always have and always will follow courage more than credentials, bravery more than bureaucracy. We the people, need leaders to lead our cry for truth and justice for all. Yes, we all already know, this topic is "suicide", but with that logic, so was Jerico, so was Omaha, so was crossing the Delaware, and so was Calvary. And yes, we know, this is a topic that Washington cares little about, but if you have not figured it out yet, it is a topic that wrenches the hearts of the people, and it is a topic that rends the hoast of heaven. Might I be so bold as to humbly ask that you do your utmost as if their struggle deepened upon you alone.

Let's take back the house!

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.



Use the power we gave you!