A response to mass shootings.
Why is our ruling class’ response to mass shootings always to make the general public more harmless?
Our political class rules by “for thee and not for me.” They are not giving up their well-armed and well-trained security details any time soon. And it is from behind their well-trained meat wall of guns that they shame us for wanting to provide the same protections for ourselves, loved ones and fellow man. Furthermore, and worse still, they want to use those guns with great force and extreme prejudice to remove our civil and inalienable right to be dangerous.
Do you want to deter mass shootings? The political response to these horrible events should be to help make good people scary again.
This effort begins and ends with training. Our response should be a massive scale training operation for the American people from professional trainers, the police, and the military.
Can you imagine this nation’s next would-be mass killer watching the news and seeing millions of Americans learning how to stuff lead through their vitals?
These evil people want to kill the weak. They want to feel powerful. Evil has always and will ever cower at the might of goodness and the resolve of good men and women with the will and know-how to defend each other. Evil must live in Fear! Fear is the only thing evil responds to. NOTHING ELSE. When good men and women create fear in the hearts and minds of the wicked it stomps out their drive to act upon their unholy rage, for the heart of evil has ever been the home of cowardice. Appeasement towards evil creates within it a larger appetite to dominate. Weakness towards evil is blood in the water. Will we rend wicked hearts with paralyzing fear, or embolden their will to destroy? Which will it be?
To our public “servants:”
Give us, we the people, the training and know-how to wisely, lawfully, and justly respond to this scourge of wickedness. Help us have what you have, the ability to be protected by people who are trained & armed. There is no greater service or projection you can offer us than to help us do this for ourselves.
Give us the tools. Because we don't have time for a phone call, a radio conversation, a 3 point turn. We don't have time even if you drive 90 the whole way. We don't have minutes. We might not even have seconds. We have a brief moment. Help us make the most of it. That moment could be what it has most often been, our waning life slipping to the floor without a goodbye. Never Again we cry! Help us make that moment the substance of the heroes of old, wherewith great courage we might risk our one noble life to stand in the breach for our fellow man. Help us so that if that moment is to be our final, we might sell our lives dearly. For if by our greatest love for our brethren we do fall, help us drag that evil son of a bitch to the grave with us. For the timeless words read, “There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.” For one's friends, not With one's friends! What good is it if the price of our life is to simply to use our bodies as a shield? Oh, we have shown our willingness to stand in that gap. What we are asking for is to help us have the ability to stop that which creates our need to do so.
We ask this: Join us. Stop pretending you are our betters. Join us either by giving up every armed security detail or join us by allowing us to be our own.
-We the bleeding People
To those who stand in the way of our ability to project our loved ones:
I understand most of you do so with the best of intentions. Most of you just don’t know any better. Please see reason. Weakness attracts evil. Yes, it's that simple.
To the corrupt ruling class who do know better:
Capacity for danger is power, it is authority, it is control. Power, authority and control over our lives rightfully rest with us. Your calculated stealing, and our forfeit of these civil rights have not only invited evil men to have their way, it has insured that they do. We the people are each born with the blessing of self ownership. Your morally bankrupt and lawfully illegal theft of that birthright must be arrested from you glutinous few and restored to the people. And just so you know, We the People aren't going anywhere. You can’t censor us into submission. You can’t shame us into hiding.
Good and dangerous people have always been the bulwark against evil. This is true on the scale of nations and within the comings and goings of our personal lives.
I trust and believe in We the People.
Do you?
Will you?
Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.