Die Free

We owe it to those who came before us to die the way we came into this world, free.

This most unique gift in all of history was sacrificed for in ways our worst days can’t even compare.

This gift of greatest love comes with the weighty responsibility to pass it on. This precious inheritance demands from us this one thing, for us to Die the way we were Born, Free. We must vow an oath that this unsurpassable gift will not end with us. We take this oath not to any cloth, not to any clan, fad, or creed, but to liberty itself. We take this vow not in puffed-up ceremony, not for accolades, not for cameras, fame, or credentials, but because it is the only right thing to do. Because it is the foundation of every decent, good, and beautiful thing.

We live in a time where the ruling class has conditioned us to wince at the word oath. They want nothing more than to tarnish and slander the true nobility of virtue. When hard times come, men without virtue, men without oath, lesser men, leave lesser countries for the warm teet milk of a greater man’s nation. The Lionheart of Nobility takes ownership for the mistakes of others, and standing in the breach, dig their heels into the ground of their forefathers, saying once again, “Come and take it.”

It is our decisions, either toward or away from stewarded strength and the foundations of sensibility, that will determine if we do so by old age or in terrible conflict.

The only gift you owe mankind is to die free.

There is no better way to ensure this gift remains than to, with great fortitude and vigilant strength, use our voice, agency, the power of law, and every other tool at our disposal to maintain peace.

Peace is the means by which individuals, families, and local communities gain power.

War is the means our ruling class transfers that power further and further away from the individual.

But we don’t really care about peace, and we don't really understand how horrible war is… and that is why…

Watching men die is the right thing to do.

“The News” doesn’t show the absolute brutality of the world because it would lead people to live in reality. Our corporate media propagandists sensor reality because the harsh truth of world affairs would spur many to sovereignty and vigilance within our shared lives, aka politics. The further away from reality they can get us to focus, the more power we allow our ruling class to take. Anyone who pays attention more is willing to give away power and authority less. And those who pay attention the most seed power the least. It is so important that we all take time to watch real life, to view the horrors of the world as they plainly are.

  • Watch as a man in his late 30s, beard beginning to gray, lays in the mud of a shallow trench with a shattered and shrapnel-torn leg; watch him as he struggles to use his broken arm to point his rifle at his own chest. Look into his eyes as he fumbles for the trigger as he struggles to take for himself the last piece of sovereign dignity he has, his very life, rather than be slowly ripped apart, bomb after bomb after bomb. Click here and watch it… and the countless other videos where brothers, each mortally wounded, desperately struggle to care for the other in vain as their lives slip away. Watch, and tell me we need to give the ruling class FUCK FACES MORE POWER.

Watch Reality, and do your damnedest to live in it. Women I’m looking at you. No bigger group pays attention to such affairs less, and gives away freedom for the false promise of safety more. Women will learn, that is certain. What we do not know is how they will come around to reality. Will it be by enlightenment through word, for the betterment of all; or by ignorance through blood, bringing our shared lives down to destruction?

Reality is the never-ending story of our ruling class finding reasons to kill off the youth to gain more power.

When you hear “War,” or “Military Operation,” or whatever euphemism they are using as part of their smoke and mirrors, you should really hear Wealth Transfer. Killing has always made for the easiest stealing. They don't just want to steal the value of your possessions, but the inalienable dignity of what you were born with, your self-ownership.

Remember: everything ultimately comes down to the end of a gun. Act accordingly. Be Vast. Live Sovereign. Make Ready. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

Don’t give up another inch.

We should all be determined to get better at being free. With every passing week, month, and year root your sovereignty into a community of trusted friends and family. Look out for one another, sacrifice for one another, pass the gift on…

and in the words of Father, Travis Haley, “Be prepared, be self-reliant, and Die Free.”

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Normalize being Knights


A Spartan Within