Normalize being Knights

This Post is to be taken in the context of Every Good Mans Calling Parts 1, 2, & 3 found on the Make Ready page. 

Every man should have the weapons, gear, and training to bring the fight to a tyrant.

The men we revere in movies are the men who are trained, diligent and ready. We look to Maximus, not Comidus, William, not Robert, the daring not the duplicitous, the brave doer not the men who blend in or take the knee. The men we remember in history are these same types of men, men like Leinitus, Akilies, Alexander, the Red Barron, Patton, and the like. The brainwashing that has convinced us not to be like the men we admire is FANTASTIC. Incredibly, our ruling class has our collective masculinity so captured we scorn being like the very men we innately hold with highest esteem.

Our betters allow us to let off steam by propping up activities like different physical feats and athleticism, all of which are great, but miss the highest axiom of maniliness, the true goal of sport. The Olympics were founded to show off how valiant a nation’s men would be in battle. Our ancient brethren knew, they lived with the most important thing in its proper place. For our shared world to take the most hopeful trajectory we must live this way again.

All over social media are men showing off their mastery of swords, spears, and other old weapons, like mastering ancient violence somehow makes them more moral. The powers that be allow this because it isn’t a threat, and it allows the fool to scratch that itch. Don’t get me wrong, while being nerdy as fuck having a badass sword is also pretty cool. But it isn’t as cool as actually being a real man, what a man was is and will be forever. One who can make evil pay a great price. Something you are not going to do with your rapier or gladius.

We are not called to have some equipment that is “ok,” we are each called to have what we need. Every year your budget should include leveling up your training and gear. Below is a basic guide:

Gear Level I

  • 223/556 autoloading rifle with light & sling

  • Pistol, belt, & holster

  • Chest rig & backpack

  • Radio & ear pro

  • Climate-specific footwear, camo, clothing.

  • Ammo & Mags

Gear Level II

  • 30-cal level marksmen rifle with 1000-yard capabilities

  • Plate carrier

  • Integrated comms & ear pro

  • Cold weather / rain clothing

  • Water filters and other sustainment equipment

  • S/M/L size packs

  • Ammo & Mags

Gear Level III

  • Suppress 223/556 & 1000-yard gun

  • Rifle-mounted thermal or night vision for 1000-yard gun

  • Helmet born night vision & thermal with rifle-mounted IR

  • Thermal-resistant gear & clothing

  • Encrypted Radio

  • On-kit drone

  • Ballistic helm

  • Ammo & Mags

With each gear upgrade keep training. Remember, you are the weapon, these are just tools, gear doesn’t win a contest, the brave trained men who use them do.

And let’s not forget one of the perks of not being a bitch-tit soy-boy and actually being a High-T good and dangerous man. Chicks Dig It… They can’t help it, they want a High-T man, and they are desperate for a dangerous man of purpose and depth, they ALL want mystery, and there is nothing more mysterious to a woman than a man with the propensity and compacity for excellent violence. All the, “I can’t stop being attracted to Trump supporters posts” or the, “I went on a date with a man’s man, and all the feminism melted away.” They have no choice, this innate desire pierces through any saturation of indoctrination.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Die Free