100 Books to Understand Reality

I have compiled this list of 100 books to further pull back the veil.

This is not a list of the 100 most influential books. Many influential books have become common knowledge; I have left such literature out.

I have prioritized books that provoke questions over popular meta-issues. I find it more valuable to question the corporate narrative than to lay again the foundation of some well-established truth. I am irrevocably convinced that the burden of proof should forever be on the ruling class to show evidence for anything and everything they are selling. Yes, selling, because no matter how powerful they become, it only works when we buy it.

To some extent, this list is gathered into groups: ancient, government & corporate lies, the unseen/spiritual, economics & money. Some authors are granted numerous titles.

I am aiming to finish the list in four years, starting in spring 2023. Afterward, I am quite sure the list will change to some extent. Maybe some books will cover enough of the same material to only keep the stronger of the two. Maybe others will feel too much like common knowledge and therefore lack the impact needed to stay on the list. No matter what, it will surely be an adventure.

Critical note:

  • You will notice as this list travels through time, it moves from texts that are unanimously well respected to greater and greater levels of controversy. Please remember that many of the older and ancient texts were incredibly controversial in their time; many of these authors stood in the face of “established facts” and “settled science,” for which they were viciously persecuted. Many authors were the fools of their times’ consensus-driven ruling class. If history tells any story, it is of the foolish shaming the wise.

I would love to hear what books you would add & subtract. Contact

  1. Iliad, Odyssey - Homer - 800 BC

  2. Tau Te Ching - Laozi - 600-400 BC

  3. The Analects - The followers of Confucius - 497 BC

  4. Histories - Herodotus - 416 BC

  5. History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides - 431 BC

  6. The Old Testament with missing books - 4,000-400 BC

  7. Medical Writings - Hippocrates - 400 BC

  8. The Art of War - Sun Tzu - 400 BC

  9. The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita - Swami Kriyananda - 400 BC

  10. Plato - Dialogues - 387 BC

  11. Aristotle - Works - 323 BC

  12. Elements - Euclid - 300 BC

  13. Letter to Herodotus; Letter to Menoecus - Epicurus - 230 BC

  14. Archimedes - Works - 240 BC

  15. Conic Sections - Apollonius of Perga - 220 BC

  16. On the Nature of Things - Lucretius - 80 BC

  17. The Anend - Virgil - 45 BC

  18. Horace - Works - 35 BC

  19. Ovid - Works - 15 BC

  20. History of Rome - Livy - 10 AD

  21. The New Testament with missing books - 96 AD

  22. Selected Works - Marcus Tullius Cicero - 106 AD

  23. Discourses: Encheiridion - Epictetus - 108 AD

  24. Histories; Annals; Agricola Germania - Tacitus - 110 AD

  25. Almagest - Ptolemy - 150 AD

  26. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius - 175 AD

  27. On the Natural Faculties - Galen - 185 AD

  28. Parallel Lives; Moralia - Plutarch - 200 AD

  29. The Enneads - Plotinus - 270 AD

  30. On the Teacher; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine - St. Augustine - 410 AD

  31. Summa Theologica - St. Thomas Aquinas - 1273 AD

  32. The Divine Comedy; The New Life; On Monarchy - Dante Alighieri - 1313 AD

  33. Notebooks - Leonardo da Vinci - 1505 AD

  34. Utopia - Thomas More - 1516 AD

  35. The Praise of Folly - Desiderius Erasmus - 1511 AD

  36. Essays; Advancement of Learning; Novum Organum, The New Atlantis - Francis Bacon - 1623 AD

  37. Ethics - Benedict De Spinoza - 1665 AD

  38. John Milton: Works - 1640 AD

  39. Letter Concerning Toleration; Of Civil Government; Essay Concerning Human Understanding; Thoughts Concerning Education - John Locke - 1693 AD

  40. Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary - Voltaire - 1733 AD

  41. The Theory of Moral Sentiments; The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith - 1750s AD

  42. Common Sense, Age of Reason - Thomas Paine - 1776

  43. Declaration of Indipendance; The Federalist Papers; The Constitution & Bill of Rights; Book of Virtues - 1776 -1791

  44. Critique of Pure Reason; Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals; Critique of Practical Reason; The Science of Right; Critique of Judgment; Perpetual Peace - Immanuel Kant - 1790s

  45. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon - 1788

  46. Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville - 1840

  47. Either/Or; On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates; Edifying Discourses in Diverse Spirits; Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing; De omnibus dubitandum est - Søren Kierkegaard - 1840s

  48. Representative Men; Essays; Journal - Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1850

  49. A System of Logic; On Liberty; Representative Government; Utilitarianism - John Stuart Mill - 1860s

  50. How We Think; Democracy and Education; Experience and Nature; Logic; The Theory of Inquiry - John Dewey - 1930s

  51. Progressive Principles, Social and Political, Essays on Practical Politics - Teddy Roosevelt - 1910s

  52. Animal Farm;1984 - George Orwell - 1945; 1949

  53. The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich A. Hayek - 1944

  54. Capital; Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx - 1848; 1867

  55. The State and Revolution - Lenin - 1917

  56. Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky - 1972

  57. Gulag Archipelago; The First Circle; The Cancer Ward - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1967; 1968; 1968

  58. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand - 1957

  59. The Meaning of Relativity; On the Method of Theoretical Physics; The Evolution of Physics - Albert Einstein - 1921; 1933; 1938

  60. The Poetry of Robert Frost - Edward Connery Lathem - 1900s

  61. D-Day - Stephen E. Ambrose - 1994

  62. The combined works of samuelsadams.com - Samuel S. Adams - 2020-Current (2023)

  63. A Conflict of Visions; Charter Schools and Their Enemies - Thomas Sowell - 1987; 2020

  64. The Carnivore Diet - Shawn Baker - 2019

  65. Red Hot Lies - Christopher Horner - 2008

  66. The Communist - Paul Kengor - 2015

  67. One Vote Away; Justice Corrupted - Ted Cruz - 2020; 2022

  68. Killing Patton - Bill O’Reilly - 2014

  69. The Man who Killed Kennedy; Nixon’s Secrets - Roger Stone - 2014; 2014

  70. Rigged - Mollie Hemingway - 2021

  71. America: Imagine a World Without Her; 2000 mules - Dinesh D’Souza - 2014; 2022

  72. 911, The Big Lie - Thierry Meyssan - 2002

  73. The Great Reset - Alex Jones - 2022

  74. Spygate; Follow the money - Dan Bongino - 2018; 2020

  75. American Betrayal - Diana West - 2013

  76. Righteous Indignation - Andrew Breitbart - 2011

  77. Lies my Doctor Told me - Dr. Ken Berry - 2019

  78. Outlive - Dr. Peter Attia - 2023

  79. Rise of the Fourth Reich - Steve Deace & Daniel Horowitz - 2023

  80. Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton - 2000; 2016

  81. Saved by the Light - Dannion Brinkley - 1994

  82. You are thee Placebo; Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself; Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza - 2015; 2016; 2019

  83. The Field - Lynne McTaggart - 2009

  84. DMT: The Spirit Molecule - Nicholas Sansbury Smith - 2000

  85. The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot - 2008

  86. Energy Anatomy - Caroline Myss - 1996

  87. The Immortality Key - Brian Muraresku with contributor Graham Hancock - 2020

  88. Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock - 1996

  89. Everything Belongs - Richard Rohr - 2003

  90. The Final Quest Trilogy - Rick Joyner - 2006

  91. The Heavens Declare - Alice O. Howell - 2006

  92. The Fourth Turning - William Strauss and Neil Howe - 1997

  93. Think and Grow Rich - Napolean Hill -1937

  94. The Sovereign Individual - James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg - 1999

  95. How an economy grows and why it crashes; The Real Crash - Peter Schiff - 2008; 2012

  96. Economics In One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt - 1946

  97. Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman - 1962

  98. The Revolution; End the Fed - Ron Paul - 2008; 2009

  99. Bitcoin Standard, Fiat Standard; Principles of Economics - Saifedean Ammous - 2018; 2021; 2023

  100. The Twitter Files - Elon Musk via various journalists - Current (2023)

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