Peace & Safety

Peace and safety isn’t a deliverable. Never has been. Its realization begins and ends with the individual. All who promise to give it do so to control it. There are no exceptions. None. Not one. Ever.

We have picked up the mantle of the fools before us. The actual saying should be:

  • Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me a bazillion times, shame on anyone who points that out.

We play the fool time and time again, everywhere, in just about everything.

  • Fiat Money

  • Religion

  • Education

  • War

  • Health“care”

  • Food

Take, for example:

History shows that during new world-altering atrocities, no matter how significant, let me say that again, no matter how significant, almost no one figures out what is really going on, even if the atrocity is explicitly directed at you.

If the barbarism is not pointed directly at you… the likelihood that you see the facts of the matter is damn near zero.

We only see the last evil, never the clear and present danger. History is a record showing how almost all would rather hear empty promises of peace and safety, rather than acknowledge the very obvious and real events taking place around them.

Most often where we think we see clearly and act by our own will we partner with power to further their fear-driven ruse. Later I will expose the degree of your brainwashing; I will show you where you care more about a word, than mass death. You care more about a word because, like the fools before you, you do not see what is plainly obvious and admittedly true. You care EXACTLY about what they tell you to care about. Nothing more, nothing less. Your emotions will be triggered. Our reactionary feelings and emotions are very telling; they reveal to us what we hold closest and dearest. I will expose to you how your mind has become anything but your own; it is owned by another, by those who still promise peace and safety.

Many wise minds like Jordan Peterson have pointed out that if you were a German in the 1930s & 40s, you would almost certainly be a Nazi. Unless you can show how you have stood against the micro and macro power dynamic in a way that cost you dearly… you too would be goose-stepping your way through life.

  • I say micro and macro because it’s not enough to stand against a power dynamic. Real oppression comes where power; big, small, and everything in-between, align in militant lock-step conformity.

The majority of virtue-signaling, self-aggrandizing do-gooders are simply pulled by the strings of those who, age after age play well-meaning fools like a fiddle. A ton of people need to hear this… if you can post about it on LinkedIn, if major corporations are you taking your side, YOU ARE NOT BRAVE. Real bravery doesn’t pay; it costs.

What I say next, I say with a heavy heart for those open enough to taste and see. Before I write further, I want to say there is always redemption. Those who, with great energy and fury, about-face, then charge with saber and lance into the fray often bless the trajectory of human thriving the most.

You are almost certainly not Schindler. Many who take it upon themselves to take action in a serious moment in history do so in support of the atrocity, not against it. Most who think they are Schindler are just unpaid brown shirts, pro-bono SS. Most people who think they are standing up for what is right are simply supporting the position of power. They represent the countless german citizens who willingly terrorized their Jewish countrymen because they trusted their day’s version of the “thesciance.”

But you’re just a normal man or woman, you haven’t risked anything, let alone everything, and therefore:

  • You would have persecuted Galileo. You would’ve killed Martin Luther. You would have laughed that Isaac Newton. You would have burned Joan of Arc. And for all your Christians out there you would have certainly crucified Jesus.

Look at all the medical Karens, both male and female, who took it upon themselves to deny lifesaving treatment, leaving their fellow man to die with what they needed to survive just a countertop or signature away. They did this because they thought they were the noble and principled one doing the right thing. They thought they were bold and brave heroes standing for what was right. So many needlessly died because another fool taking it upon themselves to “do the right thing.” People lost their jobs, spouses and lives because of nonsense and a religious fanaticism that only Isis could appreciate.

Hmmm, funny how so many who “speak truth to power” are supported by and sound like those in power. It’s interesting how these same folks get away with the most while the full of extent of the law is applied to those they hate and demonize.

The vast majority of those who take justice into their own hands do so like those in the night of broken glass. They think they are taking a risk to stand up for what is right, but they’re just smashing the windows of their neighbors. Smashing windows moves the Overton window. If the guy next door is going to perpetrate such violence it starts to feel more natural, normal and part of the routine of the day. Such fools fully believe they are standing in the face of power and are standing in the gap for the marginalized and the underprivileged. These individuals are foolish to the extent that they mistake their brainwashing for their own revelatory ideas; they mistake mass psychosis for a grassroots movement. So they take to the streets against their fellow man. With banner & slogan, hashtag & symbol they unwittingly become the hands and feet of evil.

  • I can prove that you have fucked-up values and are deeply brainwashed… N I # # E R* (Insert brainwashed Gasp)… You care more about a word not directed at anyone than countless needless deaths. We now KNOW the vaccine doesn't work, but lifesaving treatment was and IS denied to countless people because they don’t have it. We now KNOW other common treatments DO work, yet they were and are kept from those who needed them. Those in power never had the proof, but you goose-stepped right with them. They couldn’t even make a logical argument or rationale; you heiled and saluted those who shamed, silenced, and persecuted truth-tellers. They never had the science; you went out of your way to help load the train car. Your conditioning still manipulates you to care more about that word than the disgusting treatment of your fellow man; your preferences are moved more by a word than the lost moms, dads, brothers, sisters, friends, lovers, and heroes. The hate in your heart ultimately is for yourself, which is why you won’t change; you don’t believe in forgiveness enough to entertain the reality of what you supported. The beauty is that your hero’s origins story starts with something like this, an awakening. And what a story it could be… I believe in you.

    • *I can’t even type that word because of the endless bullshit I would have to put up with just for writing it.

Let this be a lesson to us all. All who read this and said, well, not me. The truth is, it is everyone. To a degree, we all advocate for the oppression of others. For wherever you are right, you may soon be wrong. The beauty and the rub about the old wisdom is that it is used both to prepare and blind us for what is coming next.

Peace & Safety has forever been, and will forever be, the cry of evil men looking to sell faux goodness in order to gain power and take control. Get used to it. Expect it. Prepare for it. And God Damn it, stop falling for it.

Be Open. Be Vast. Do Justly. Love Mercy. Prefer Beauty.


  • Warning: It is a whole other issue how they have long fought a 30-front war against us. Even when we awaken to 1, we still parrot their bullshit on the 29 others.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

100 Books to Understand Reality


A response to the book: “Rise of the Fourth Reich”