End Game: 2024

2024 is the ruling class’ End Game.

They will not let MAGA win. By any means necessary.

Here is my prediction:

  1. A critical mass will know Trump won, or would have won if they didn’t jail him / remove him / kill him / etc.

    • No matter how the ruling class goes about their coup: pre / during / post-election the people will figure it out. It might be prior to the election as Vivek has alleged, by the Uniparty using the RNC to insert their controlled puppet Nikki Haley as the Republican nominee, thus removing the people’s choice. Whatever they pull, we aren’t going to buy it this time. Enough people will refuse to accept the deep state puppet whether it is a Bush-style Republican or Clinton-style Democrat, whether it is Nikki, O’Biden, or that snake from the People’s Republic of California.

  2. There are only two sides: Global-Beaurocracy or Self-Sovereignty… the lines have been drawn between a great Axis of elites and the people Allied together.

    • Yes, in some ways, it is vastly more complicated, yet, it is also that simple.

  3. This Axis of elites will move to go to WAR against the people in order to establish their ongoing, uninterrupted, unapproachable rule.

    • The United Nations, European Union, World Economic Forum, and other world powers will help our ruling class protect “OurDemocracy” by declaring martial law across the US or some other sort of bullshit to “protect us,” and take total control. They will have all the “right reasons” to do so, Russia collusion, racism, climate change, false flag this, Jan 6th that… Blah blah blah.

    • If they can’t manipulate everything enough and some 2016-level miracle is pulled off and Trump wins, we will end at the same result… the same global powers declaring the US needs to have democracy restored.

In summary:

  • No matter what the Global Elites and our Ruling Class will move to take power once and for all by some bullshit excuse about protecting our democracy. It is now, or never. Whoever wins this time wins for a LONG time, they know that, and they have shoved all in. 2024 is their End Game.

The only way we win without that war being realized is if We the People take enough power so quickly those pussies can’t stomach the potential consequences… #VichyFrench. I believe that is exactly what we will do. We will win by noble resolute swift action, we will win by word, and not by blood.

The result of this End Game will be up to us.

Make Ready, your bloodline looks to you.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Love is Revenge


To: 2024