To: 2024

This post is part Two of the, "What is coming" series. Here are Parts One and Three. 

To: 2024 and all who live in it. From: everything I am, all that I have become.

This is my message to you, us, we:

  1. The meek will inherit the earth.

  2. Wait until you see the whites of their eyes.

  3. There is a time and a place for everything under the sun.

  4. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

  5. Restoration alone brings victory.

1: The meek will inherit the earth.

  • The strong, who restore the weak seeking destruction bring the only victory worth keeping.

  • Meekness lifts those up who are against them in such a way that they may never even know how it happened. Meekness restores the very fool who attacks them so that all might thrive to the greatest extent possible, their reward is the increased flourishing of all people in every place on earth.

2: Wait until you see the whites of their eyes.

  • The ruling class, the Lords of Chaos have one mission: WAR. They will stoke this war on 30-Fronts, in 30 different ways. Hold Fast. Peace is how we win. War is how they win. Peace transfers power from the ruling class to the common man. War & chaos transfer power from the common man to the ruling class. With noble chin held high, bear every usurpation you can. Face the wind, turn your cheek yet again. Stand in the gap for the useful-idiot who can’t win the fight they provoke, grant every mercy you can. Hold Tension, Be Vast.

  • They want a war in Europe, a war in the Middle East, chaos in our shipping lanes, devastation for our farmlands, depression for the middle class, chaos through diseases, cyber destruction, grid failure, hate between races, blood in the streets, a war on speech and information, a war on elections, a war here, a war there, a war with a fox, a war in a box. The Lords of Chaos have enough for everyone… everything. We all have a part to play in preserving liberty for the next generation. Resolute to mercy and quick to grace, it is for us to face it all and be determined to hold the line for peace. Like our brothers at Bunker Hill, it is for us, with lamp lit, to wait until we see the whites of their eyes. (more on this later) This great peace ONLY comes if they fear us. Fear our voices, and us simply saying No to whatever the next thing is. Their power ends exactly where our obedience ends.

3: There is a time and a place for everything under the sun.

  • Anyone who says calls for violence is not First Amendment-protected speech forgot to read the VERY NEXT AMENDMENT. One might be able to argue such limits on speech for the average person, yet not for our government. Our constitution is a pre-declaration of war against all demagogs, dictators, and bureaucratic usurpations. The founders were wildly clear about this, any disagreement is a blatantly obvious misinterpretation of our laws (see below for a few quotes from our founders) Sic Semper Tyrannis.

  • The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers and will generally even if these are successful the first instance enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” Justice Joseph Story

  • What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” Thomas Jefferson

4: Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

  • Hold fast the tension of the great men whose shoulders you so proudly stand upon. I know you are proud of them, as am I. We owe it to those who dared, to those who gave their one noble life to the cause of liberty, they deserve our utmost. In years that try men’s souls only the strong are sovereign, only the dangerous are counted, only those with wrath get a say, a vote when it actually matters. We must bring that wrath with a mighty justice, with a quick and plentiful mercy. Thucydides was right, "The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.”

  • Our modern-day redcoats are not like those of old, they don’t want to fix bayonets, they don’t want to ascend the hill, they do not want to find out. This is only because they fear our ability to bring violence to their doorstep. When they see us gathered atop our Bunker Hill, with tails between their legs, they will get back on their boats and sail away. If I promise anything, if there is but one guarantee in this world, it is this: the freedom we do have is because the ruling class fears what the American man might do if pushed too far. Keep it up. Make Ready. Be Vast. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

5: Restoration alone brings victory.

  • Forgive them, they don’t even know what they are doing. You have done the same thing or similar things. So have I. Not on the same level maybe, but by the same human spirit. True greatness befriends its enemy, for there is no greater defeat of an enemy than to render them friend. The roots of progress come from seeds planted in Common Ground. On this common ground, in our shared world, any split among us might only be a temporary fix, in reality, we are bound together. Therefore it is restoration alone that brings victory. Without restoration, victory is not victory; it is a seed for a greater destruction, a deeper sadness, and the feeling of being utterly alone. If whatever we are fighting for does not include restoration, we have, and we are already lost. Without restoration, the mission, For all to Thrive, never leaves the shire. This of course does not defeat Mordor, it ensures Mordor comes to Hobbiton.

A storm is coming,

Make Ready.

The good news is that freedom wins in the end. "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." MLK

The remaining question is: at what cost, and how long?

A significant part of my life’s mission is to play my part in goodness and truth winning by word and not blood, and I believe-believe we will.

But, that answer, as always, is up to us.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

End Game: 2024


The world does not revolve around YOU, just ask the Jews, just ask Rome.