The 4 Stages of Understanding

What is coming: Part 2

Curious… when is the big false flag MAGA attack coming?

Before or after Trump gets the nomination?

  • I am confident it will be after Trump gets nominated because the ruling class wants Trump. Like the bad guys always do, they repeat mistakes; the DC elite and global ruling class want to run against Orange Patton because, just like in 2016, they think he is the easiest to defeat.

  • They may have the sharpest back-stabbing dagger, but just like in ages past, the careful plotting and precise scalpal of scheming bureaucrats run into the warhammer of humanity’s ancient will and deepest rage to own their destiny. Our ruling class has done a lot of fucking around, and they are about to get an orange dump truck of finding out.

History is a power struggle between group control and individual liberty.

Peace increases power for the individual and the family unit. War increases the power of the ruling class.

  • Without the chaos of war, the ruling elite might have to earn their keep.

  • This war will be fought just as that snake Saul Aliskey drew it up; on 30 Fronts.

We need to win on far more than just the issues you care about. I am glad you care about certain issues, but we all need to look behind our pet issues to a larger, broader victory.

  • Many fight for sovereignty where they care to be sovereign but are happy to kowtow in other areas that simply do not tickle their fancy.

  • The ruling class’s goal is certainly war and chaos at every level. So we must shift our goals from this cafeteria-style pick this not that selection process to Total Victory!

No Deals with the Devil; No Treaties with Traitors.

  • Even those who are fighting against tech tyranny, the global establishment, DC sesspool, etc., tend to get a bit wrapped around the axle when it comes to issues outside of their personal preview. Even the most passionate freedom fighter becomes a dogmatic puppet of the mainstream when they dive into unknown topics.

  • If the good guys are going to take back any significant amount of ground, we are going to have to stop cutting down those who are fighting on topics we do not understand. Sadly the pier pressure virtue signal in areas where we know little is to great for most. Instead of saying, “I don’t know,” we often succumb to conformity.

“If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.” - Julian Assange

Covid was a war on the common man, and so will whatever they come up with next in order to work us into a panic.

  • The two of the biggest narratives of the past several years, the Covid Vaccine and Trump-Russian Collusion were pre-fabricated intentional lies. Likely, you didn’t see it, and likely you won’t see the next obvious lie manufactured to take away your power and sovereign autonomy.

Oh, you want a chance at seeing the next thing? Okay, then assume the next big scary threat the incestuous WEF, UN, DNC/RNC, Black Rock, etc., is trying to protect you from is a purpose-built scheme.

  • War is the favorite of the favorite ways for the ruling class to take power. The war in Ukraine was easily avoidable and very much on purpose. War with China will be the same, and it will fool many. They love war because they hate people, they hate progress, they hate the thriving of the human race.

  • You are addicted to what you are allowed to think and you hate what is clearly true. Many have gotten to the point where they are saying.

Very few power transfer events in all of history have been an accident. When we the people fight too take back what is rightfully ours, we say exactly what we are doing, why we are doing it, and when we are doing it. The ruling class only lies, lies, and lies.

Hard times demand that we understand the truth when it matters.

The 4 stages of understanding.

  1. Getting it wrong / waiting until the mainstream shifts its narrative 180 degrees.

  2. Getting it right after the fact. (While the mainstream still opposes the truth)

  3. Getting it right while it’s happening.

  4. Getting it right before it happens.

The 1st stage is the stage of tyranny. Those who reach the 2nd stage either get beaten back down to the 1st or build a battle-hardened strength to press on. The 3rd stage is the home of free men; here we are able to appropriately respond to whatever is thrown at us. The 4th stage is where we are called to lead. We all have areas where we exist in this 4th stage, and it is here that we must dare to be seen.

  • We shouldn’t expect to always be in the 4th stage; being right about events before they happen is difficult for even the most humble and wise.

At what stage did you get these right?

  • Covid Severity

  • Covid Vaccine

  • Covid Origin

  • Michael Flinn

  • Trump Russia Collusion

  • Trump Impeachment 1

  • Trump Impeachment 2

  • January 6th

  • Gretchen Whitmar Kidnapping

  • Kyle Rittenhouse

  • AZ 2022 Election

  • 2020 Election interference

  • Hunter Biden Laptop

  • Nick Sandman

  • IRS Targeting

  • Tarmac Meeting

  • Benghazi

  • Social media shadow banning

  • Snowden

  • Wikileaks

  • Twitter / Social media & government colusion

  • WMDs in Iraq

  • The 2008 housing crash

  • etc.

Where are you on current events?

  • Trump Indictment: the last one, this one, and the next few.

  • War in Ukraine.

  • Whether Biden has any real power or not?

  • Southern border and mass 3rd world immigration (legal and illegal) intentional or not?

  • Covid Released intentionally?

  • Biden Administration being bought by foreign powers?

What upcoming events can you or can you not see?

  • Election Year Catastrophe:

    • Internet outage

    • Grid Failure

    • WWIII

    • Some sort of invasion.

  • Gun Grab False Flag Event

  • Manufactured BLM situation with the encouraged riots of course.

  • MAGA False Flag Attack

  • Market and currency collapse

  • AND of course the most feared and propagandized of them all: 2024 Presidential Election Cheating

Reaching the 4th stage depends upon the foundation of how we understand events:

A: The ruling class used unfortunate event x-y-z to gain power. —>

B: The ruling class knew x-y-z wasn’t true but used it to gain power. —>

C: The ruling class created x-y-z to gain power.

All who continue in the delusion of A & B will time after time play the fool. Test this: any area you are in the 4th stage of understanding, you will also be in category: C.

Whatever we are in the 4th stage of understanding we must use this understanding to open ourselves to the rest of the world. We must lend credence to the probability of other areas being in a similar state of disrepair. The likelihood of the world being corrupt mainly in the area of your passion is 0. This mindset and worldview is a low rent as it comes. The more you think upon a topic, the more you think differently. If you are in the 4th stage concerning natural health, don’t stop there; if you are in the 4th stage concerning education, don’t stop there. Learn to add, learn to draw conclusions, learn to lead. It is all about power, keeping it, and taking it. Anything that rends power should be subjected to the HIGHEST levels of curiosity, suspicion & scrutiny.

Those who think our food and drug administration is bought and paid for, that our healthcare is owned and manipulated by a few, that our education system is systemically & pathetically broken, and that money printer go brrr but don’t think ballot printer go brrr are not living in a congruent reality.

It is insane to think that the ruling class came into control of all of our most important pillars of society and the entire monetary system through fair and upright means. I have found that many people who appreciate the importance of free-thinking, natural health, and even sound money are still drunk on the wine of the ruling/banking class’ most potent manipulations and usurpations.

Be Sober, and Remember:

  • If you can’t vote them out, you will one day have to shoot them out. There are no exceptions to this rule, none, ever. Stop fooling yourself and sit in its gravity. I don’t want anyone to shoot anybody else; I’m sure you feel the same way. That is why this issue is so important. Even if one thought everything is on the up and up, one should vihmietly support making the system as secure as possible.

It’s time to get it right.

Hard Times call for Hard Truths. So speak up.

Do your part.


Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.


The CIA is Never Transparent


War is the Goal