The CIA is Never Transparent

Any time our institutions are being “Transparent” or “Honest,”… WATCH OUT!

There is a far deeper narrative surrounding the whole rebranded UFO situation. I will say this; we better not have an “invasion” in an election year. So many things have to happen for someone to testify like that in front of Congress. The ruling class knows everything about the people testifying and those listening to testimony. If they really didn’t want it to happen, it wouldn’t happen. It is either a psyop or the ruling class has their assets and attention so tied up in order to steal the 2024 election they are spread thin and are getting sloppy elsewhere. Either way, what a time to be alive!

Keep in mind: Everything they control go Brrrrrrrrrr.


There is ONLY ONE reason for a Woke Military


The 4 Stages of Understanding