Big Picture Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is Money.

It is impossible to understand the value of Bitcoin without understanding what  money IS and is NOT.

So what is money?

  • Money is the scarce, decentralized, and validated means of person-to-person market exchange you GET to use when good men do the work to protect life, liberty, and property.

But what isn’t money?

  • Money is NOT an ever-expanding, centralized means of bank-to-bank government exchange you GET to use if and when the ruling class allows.

    • Sadly, this is what our “money”, the USD has become; this abomination is what the masses have come to expect.

Here is a hard pill to swallow.

The US Dollar ISN’T even Money.

Hard pill to swallow #2.

  • Your Fiat Federal Reserve Notes are just Big Bank/Big Gov Chucky-Cheese tickets. The truest way to describe the US Dollar is that it IS a Communist/Socialist currency.

    • It IS Communist currency, removing the free market and handing what is yours over to the collective through mandatory government redistribution. (e.g., 2/3 of the US budget is spent on entitlements)

    • The USD IS Socialist currency, giving agency of your money to the incestuous banking/big business/government class. (e.g., money printer go brrrrrr)

  • The USD is a vehicle of debt slavery and market manipulation where centralized, government-aligned banks steal the value out of our pockets to gain power, buy favor, and silence/punish their enemies. (e.g., Libia, Iraq, & Syria) There is no better way to wind up dead than to mess with the banking class.

This post is broken up into 2 parts:

  1. Why:

    • Why is money so important? Why is money the civil rights issue of our time?

  2. The Deeets:

    • A big-picture framework of how Bitcoin works.


If we are going to talk big picture, let’s not forget thee most important ingredient concerning our use of money:

Let’s be more specific with the, “What is Money” question.

  • Our use of money has a bar of entry: when Good men are Dangerous enough to defeat wicked men. When the good guys are found to be weak nerds, the bad guys win, and when the bad guys win, you do what you’re told in hopes of getting a better social credit score, while owning nothing in your 15-minute city. One of the greatest struggles is maintaining this very dearly earned privilege. In 2023, we again find ourselves on the precipice of losing or earning this right.

  • Every answer to every important question includes this highest axiomatic addendum: when good men steward their ability to be dangerous to protect life, liberty, and property.

You may think, well, money can be a lot of things. No-no-no. We call money a lot of things because the banking class has us under a spell. We have fallen so far from monetary sensibility; we have been duped into thinking money is supposed to be centralized and expanding.

If we understood money, we would fire 99% of our politicians. If we understood money, we would see the greatest united front this world has EVER seen. There is nothing the ruling class fears more than the left, right, center and sideways uniting against them.

You think this has been bad here in the US? For 2nd and 3rd world countries, it has been far worse. They back their currency with the USD, therefore subsidizing our way of life and standard of living. We silently bleed the value out of their economies to give life support to our fiscal Ponzi scheme. The USA hasn’t been raping the world by stealing their physical resources like oil; the banking class has been raping the world through the USD, stealing part of the value of EVERY resource from all nations.

The Deeets:

Bitcoin is a quantity-limited digital currency and store of value that is protected through a series of algorithms using a decentralized network of computers that validate what is and is not Bitcoin and send low-cost transactions directly from person to person; these peer-to-peer low-cost transactions can range from something small like a ham sandwich to larger than a mega-mansion.


There is only 21 million Bitcoin. These Bitcoin are released over time by the solving of complicated math problems by computers.


Bitcoin is a series of computers that send and receive digital transactions where no computer is more important than the other; in other words, there is no centralized bank-compter in charge.

Every computer involved with Bitcoin has what every other computer has, the full understanding of Bitcoin.

There is not a mothership; there is no Bitcoin Federal Reserve. There is no Bitcoin board of directors. There is no Bitcoin ruling class, no Bitcoin banking class.


A Bitcoin is only in one place at one time. There isn’t any double spend. Bitcoin is what it is and is not what it is not. In every transaction, the sender and receiver say to one another, “hey, other computer, this is Bitcoin, do you think this is Bitcoin?” the other computer will say yes or no. If it’s yes the transaction goes through. It if is no either computer can blacklist the other computer. But all the other computers don’t trust the blacklisting, so they verify for themselves. If indeed a computer has attempted to alter Bitcoin then they too will blacklist. The more blacklists, the more likely others will test and blacklist.

Person to Person

The buyer and seller send/receive Bitcoin directly. Thats it. Daddy Bank don’t need to know.

Outside of men being good, dangerous, and ready, sound money is the greatest contributor and catalyst towards progress and human thriving.

The only greater control than control over money is at the end of a gun, and it is the money that controls the guns.

It is past time we shake off this greatest of usurpations; it is time to destroy their ring of power.

  • Middle Earth and the whole Lord of the Ring narrative is the story of Fiat money.

  • “One bank to rule them all. One currency to bring them all, and in the manipulation bind them; In the Land of Control where the Fiat lies.”

Throw that BITCH into the Fire!

See you in Valinor. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

War is the Goal


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