The Global Elite Hate Black People, but Why?

Right now, they have them mostly wrapped around their finger and dancing to their every tune. But they are deeply afraid that there will be an Awakening, a Renaissance, an Exodus.

Why? Why is our ruling class so afraid?

Because black people are loyal to the end. Black Americans are not just loyal in thought and word, but deed; they are about that action. Black people take up space and shine in the spotlight; black people don't suffer the degradation of being slapped around. Black people change the game in unexpected ways; that is what creativity is. Creativity breaks all the rules; it upsets the status quo and brings a new and yet unseen beauty into the world. Creativity upstages the “consensus" of those who hold power. Our ruling class hates new and exciting; they are all that is boring, they not only want what they want, but they want everyone else to want it too. The Global elite’s entire goal is to have docile, domesticated plebs who are too afraid to think anything wrong, let alone talk about it or do something about it. Black Americans bring the creativity of George Washington Carver, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, and Run-D.M.C.; they bring the grit and never-ending determination of Hariot Tubman; black people bring the fight like the Zulu Warriors, with a ferocity whose tales of legendary bravery were told far and wide across an Empire. Black Americans hold so much of what the Global elites are seeking to medicate, imprison, incentivize, tax, manipulate, propagandize, re-educate, marginalize, and threaten out of this great nation.

Black Americans are One Great Awakening away from being the most feared and dangerous group to those who still seek to enslave through the corruption of our money and overreach of our so-called public servants.

  • We call them public servants because servants don’t tell the homeowner what to do. We call them public servants because the continent of Europe was, and in many cases still is, a never-ending shrine to government, the Master of all.

Other groups are more prone to suffer bullshit and oppression. Upon this coming awakening. -And it is coming! - There will be no group whose fervor and resolve will out-match that of Black Americans. Others suffer fools longer; others bow longer when it is time to stand; others stay home in the season of war; others flee at the sounds of battle. Black Americans have in their blood to fight no matter the consequence; they are descendants of those who held the line against impossible odds; they are the sons and daughters of heroes of old, men and women of great renown. Within Black America is the fearless spirit and iron will of the 99th Pursuit Squadron, the humble brilliance of Fredrik Dougless, and the untold power and meek mercy of Daral Davis. With the release of their enslaved minds, the resolve of Black America will be told for a thousand years.

Black people have looked for purpose; they know there is a battle to fight, and many found themselves lost and without cause, fighting each other or fighting to cling to the chains of subsidization that have so long held them down. This non-stop subsidization of the black wallet and, worse, mind, has done what subsidization always does, destroys. No war had destroyed more lives than the war on poverty. Right now in many cases, black people commit a vastly disproportionate amount of crimes compared to their percentage of population. Currently, inner-city Black culture is in crisis; whose fault is it? 100% Black people’s fault. But that’s not fair. Of course, it isn’t fair; that is the world we live in. Yes, any group that was paid to make terrible decisions and fed endless tales of victimhood from no less than every pillar of our society could dive into such an awful place, but any group could also rise above it, and it’s about damn time Black people accelerate their recovery.

Black America doesn’t need any more coddling but to put on the truth of their heritage and destiny and to be held to the highest standard, not the lowest. For all participating in the soft bigotry of low expectations, low accountability, and inattention to results. Stop; you aren’t helping anyone or anything; you aren’t good; you’re pathetic. Grow up.

Why, why are Black Americans so feared by the D.C. cocktail party class?

For the same reason that Afghanistan is undefeated. They just won’t fucking quit. No matter the odds, and without care towards their destruction, they persist. The global elite hate passion; they hate red-blooded resolve; they hate action, and those who have the will to stand up for themselves regardless of the odds.

Black people are having and will continue to have a great renaissance. This Exodus off of the strings of power will deliver a blow to the ruling class from which they will never recover.

Do your part.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

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