Bitcoin IS Political

Bitcoin IS Political. Money is the most political thing there is. Just ask Ross Ulbricht.

I often hear taglines similar to “Everything benefits Bitcoin.” While I love how this phrase speaks to Bitcoin's robust and resilient nature, it has contributed to many parroting the very naive position that Bitcoin isn’t Political and misunderstanding the prima facie reality that obviously everything isn’t good for BTC.

Are you telling me that it doesn’t matter if the Central Bank candidates win supermajorities everywhere and then label BTC terrorist money, making it a felony to use/hold/mine BTC???

  • Before I get any messages: I get it… these phrases are just sayings. I’m saying they are sloppy, arrogant, and unintelligent. These were great sayings when the Bitcoin community was mostly deep internet wargs. BTC is now poised to be what so many have long hoped it to be. And, Yes, I understand… many many people understand the nuance of such sayings… well, many people do not. After hearing well-adjusted affluent productive people use these slogans in untrue ways… enough is enough.

eVeRyThInG iS gOoD fOr bItCoIn, BiTcOiN IsN’t pOlItIcAl,” Please Stop. Put on your big boy / big girl pants and live in the real world… “But, but, I don’t like politics”… Suck it up, buttercup; politics really likes you… controlling you. “But, but, I don’t like Republicans.” Welcome… nor do Republican voters. Help the people reform the party that at least has a remnant of goodness left in it. Or just complain, vote green, and get run over.

We must stop acting like any politician who says something positive about Bitcoin is equally valuable and equally important. So you’re telling me that someone who lies about everything that matters is telling the truth about BTC when she is paid off by central bank globalists who want nothing more than mandated CBDCs? Chest your cards, your autism is showing.

How has Post-Modern Marxism infected the BTC community so deeply? How are our catchphrases so nonsensical?

If BTC is going to achieve what the community so desperately wants it to, we are going to have to openly admit that Bitcoin is Political and that everyone and everything is not equally good for Bitcoin.

What is good for BTC is good for BTC.

P.S. On stage during the legendary live Rabit Hole Recap Podcast at the 2024 BTC conference in Nashville, TN, there was an argument over the morality of the massive arrests in El Salvador. Someone from New York City said he was for freedom and was vehement about the arrests being immoral. Hey, cupcake, if the arrests were so wrong, how did El Salvador go from the most dangerous country in the world to the safest nation in the Western Hemisphere? RESULTS SISSY BOY! Ever heard of them!? This is why good governance and sound money matter so much, so we can avoid getting to the point where hard decisions have to be made. Where, for a nation to prosper, it is forced to go to such lengths to secure life, liberty, and property for its people.

Discussions around jailing people are indeed very needed… but many in the BTC community have yet to acknowledge that safety is a larger sovereignty issue than money (it’s not close). When gangs control almost every block in every city, nothing else really matters too much. I can prove it to you… you can bring all the BTC, USD, stocks, bonds, etc you want… I get a gun… Who surrenders to whom? Insert deserved slap and momentary shame. GROW UP.


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