We Can’t be Afraid of what is Right

We need to be able to take practical steps… but toward what? We Can’t be Afraid of what is Right.

Most pundits and politicians are focused on the practical, and that is good. This post is focused on the highest impacting changes if Liberty-loving people controled the presidency, supreme court, congress by super-majorities, and over 40 Governres’ mansions.

  • End the Fed, make BTC tender, hold BTC in reserves.

  • Secure the vote:

    • Like at our founding, one must have a stake in the game to vote: Only net-contributors vote. Net-takers do not get the privilege of voting.

    • 1 day

    • In-person

    • ID required

    • Chain of custody.

    • Forensic audit in every county, every time.

  • Mass deportations.

    • All illegals, criminal legal immigrants. Non-contributing immigrants go up for review.

    • Secure the border with a wall, not a fence.

    • Tell the Marines to Destroy the Cartels, don’t be nice about it.

    • Only limited merit-based immigration going forward.

  • End all Entitlements. ALL. The American people are loving and good. We the People will pick up the slack.

  • End all alphabet agencies and massively shrink everything that remains.

    • Rebuild only the agencies that participate in protecting life, liberty, and property. Put in unbelievable, strict, transparency laws and protections for the American people.

    • Return any Education Dollars directly to families, not the states.

  • Remove every Tax possible. Error on the side of too many cuts.

  • Justice ignored makes justice restored retribution. Justice corrupted turns honest justice into vengeance. If justice doesn’t look like vengeance after justice was corrupted, it isn’t justice… it is another mask, another ruse, a further step toward tyranny.

    • Arrest and enact the harshest possible punishments, including execution, on all who deserve it at the top of GOV corruption.

    • Forgive and restore everyone else. Ban anyone, ANYONE involved from holding any government job in perpetuity.

  • Restore and fortify the Bill of Rights with protections against currency manipulations, privacy violations, and other usurpations.

  • Make our Military Scary Again.

    • Protect, Defend, and rescue every American Everywhere.

    • Make any who take an American hostage or kill an American rue the day they did.

  • Some Big Loose Ends:

    • All legislation is voted on one issue at a time.

    • Term limits on Congress to 10 years.

    • All politicians must divest in the stock market.

    • Any American can finance any politician no matter how much; it’s called freedom.

    • Break up Big-Tech and other monopolies. Publisher… Platform… not both.

    • End Title 9 and every other wild social manipulations.

Reminder: We the DOMINUS INVICTUS, We the People are going to win. The Global Establishment is going away like the monarches of Europe. It is time to think big, it is time to look to what is righteous, noble, and good.

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