
RFK is the culmination of his family’s mission. He will not be denied.
Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. joining forces with the MAGA movement is a knee in the curve in the arc of history that bends towards justice. He can not be bought. He is on a mission to fight for what his uncle and father were assassinated for attempting. The roar of the crowd when RFK was introduced by Trump in Arizona spoke for the nation, a nation crippled by corruption, starving for sanity, yearning to be led.

RFK has stated many times that if all the skeletons in his closet could vote, he could win the presidency. Who Fucking Cares! The fanatical religious left toting their holier-then-thou primped personas become less convincing by the day. The people want the Fight, we long for someone with that DOG in them. Bring us your scarred warrior; bring us your flawed, imperfect, offensive destroyers, for there is much in need of destroying. The manufactured visage of perfection of the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, etc, has long worn off… poor Gavin Newsom had to find out the hard way when someone finally sat him down and broke the news that everyone HATES everything about him… the ad nauseam corporate fawning is no longer a shield of protection, but a signal flair to expansive corruption. The People want the tech guy who invents all the things and speaks his mind; they want the guy who supplants the militant adherence to the gatekeeping faux virtue bingo card checked by the party’s bouncer. We are throwing our own party; it's a lot more fun, it's real, and it's filled with the strangest allies and oddest coalitions, people who have answered the unending, unchanging call of every heart: to pursue freedom.

  • The People do not consider appearance, the People do not look at the things the ruling class looks at. They look at the outward appearance, but the People look at the heart.

RFK, Musk, and Trump are gathering the banners; the great houses formed of every American family have joined as one to say no more to the crafted tall tales told for so long. This movement has just begun; people are coming around to timeless principles of fairness, goodness, life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness which only comes to those who say yes to the great adventure before them, unleashed in liberty, made available by good governance of, by, and for the People. Elon, Bobby, and The Donald are forming a new Allied coalition to stand against the Axis of globalist bureaucrats.

Together, these great men will dismantle the bureaucratic leviathan of the endless alphabet agencies, stealing, poisoning, monitoring, threatening, and misinforming the people. The effort that this single sentence will take is more than could be written in many libraries. What a time to be alive! Do your part!

Isn’t the ruling class going to cheat?

Of course, they are going to cheat…. it barely worked last time… it won’t work this time… the only thing more notable than their capacity for evil is their propensity for incompetence… they are going to fuck it all up and get caught… and justice will be restored by the great united front of goodness, by Trump, by Musk, by Kennedy and others like them.

We will win.

We will win because enough people have figured out that:

IT IS UP TO US, always has been, ever will be.


Vote Blue, Vote for ???!


Crimes Against Humanity