Vote Blue, Vote for ???!

Is everything too hard for you? Do you want to do nothing? Own nothing and be happy? If so, the Democrat ticket is the perfect oligarchy for you. They do not want you to worry about anything… Not even who is in charge. You are voting for an unapproachable system, and for you, that is a feature, not a bug.

Understatement of the age: Kamala isn’t making the decisions.

She is as in charge as Joe. There is only one KPI when it comes to being selected as the Democratic Party nominee: Controllability. And that’s great if you want to pusure lesbian dance studies, the history of oppression of trans people in the Middle Ages, and other pursuits of utilitarian blah.

Only those choking on the firehose of corporate media kool-aide think that these inconsequential nobodies are the masterminds. This begs the question, “Who is on the ticket?” The sad truth is that we can not be certain, but we can use the enemy of the globalists, reason, and logic.

  • Follow the $$$. Specifically, where does the money end up?

  • Who you can’t/refuse to criticize is in control.

  • The point of a system is what it does.

  • Lack of fairness is evedance of effort, effort points to the goal.

  • Ignoring and violating precedence is the tell of tells.

  • Who benefits? Short term, Long term.

Kamala is a 2D empty suit. There is no there, there. This dog doesn’t hunt. But she does suck dick. She got ahead by giving head. Sorry, not sorry, these tyrants want to destroy our way of life. They want to rewrite the constitution, not to fortify it against government overreach but to ensure it, to codify their authoritarian aims into law. Let’s not be like those who silently and politely went from living a normal life to wearing an emblem, to being relegated to certain parts of town, to cattle cars, to gas chambers. It’s time to be mean to those at the top who want to take everything from you. At the same time, it is for us to draw in their useful idiots with an abundance of charitable mercy.


“I pray for something to happen, for someone to kill them”

