Caesar Among Us

Part 2 of the Era of Trump series:

Great men arise out of times of great need, times when the people cry out for something, something that has fallen on the deaf ears of the ruling class.

But, wherever Greatness rises, there have always been and will always be thousands of scheming, backstabbing drones; culling, shilling, and killing to ensure the continuation of the status quo.

This world has known many renowned leaders, and a few of them transcend time; they pierce through the rest, they are a light so bright that the others seem dull. Men like:

Sargon of Akkad



Ramses II



Alexander the Great

Julius Caesar












We are all witnessing a man that the ages will remember. We are all bearing witness to a dragon slayer, one who has exposed the bureaucratic leviathan for what it is: a parasite incalculably larger than any administrative state before it.

This behemoth has slain all who have dared oppose it. This swamp monster has blackmailed, bribed, threatened, and murdered its way to perceived invincibility. WHAMMY! 2016! What a BLOW!!

People thought “Building a Wall” was laughable, it was a slogan of shame and scorn. No one is laughing now. Donald was right.

The establishment hates the mission to Make America Great Again… but the people are desperate for stability and common sense. No Trump supporter is convinced that the four years under Biden’s handlers are better. Many, many Biden handler supporters are being convinced that the four years under Trump were better. Everything and most everyone is worse off now under whoever is controlling Biden than they were during the Trump presidency. This one-way enlightenment is MOST certainly a catalyst for deep-state apparatchiks… funny business is headed towards supersaturation. But ultimately this shift will lead to unimaginable surprises. Cults NEVER bow-out; they always ALWAYS Supernova… and there is no cult like the anti-Trump globalist cult.

As one in the line of the heroes of old and men of great renown, Trump sweeps aside the best attacks of his enemies; he sails above the same bullshit and lies that work so well on all the weak Republicans.

The left hates the GREATNESS of this man, and I mean, truly hates… it drives them insane… fully insane. I listened to a very intelligent person on the All In podcast disparage Trump because he opposes EVs…. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? That is what you got, smarty pants? What an absolute joke.

How about… deep breath… Ended our energy dominance on day one! Our southern border… both its openness and the endless horrific lying about it being secured! Hunter Biden money laundering for, “The Big Guy!” Hyperinflation! Directed OSHA to prosecute millions of Americans for a vax that wasn’t a vax and didn’t even work! The COVID truth coverup! The coverup of Fusion GPS! Attacked the Supreme Court directly! Activated the DOJ to target political opponents, INCLUDING THE 2024 FRONTRUNNER! Defied Supreme Court rulings! Fascisticly worked with Social Media companies to suppress speech? Weaponized FBI… pre-dawn raids on priests! And so much more!

The hateful fools from the courtroom to the living room, to the talking head studios all over the world… all do the same thing… twist and contort reality to prove how Orange Man Bad. It is the most obvious case of deranged, obsessed smoke and mirrors persecution I have ever seen. Rarely are we given such a clean-lined litmus test: If you can’t see the crazed derangement, you have succumbed to it. How did you do? Did you pass?

The long line of betas try to make Trump small, but he is the Bigliest! They try to shout him down, his voice smashes through. They try to intimidate him with jail, he calls it an honor. Like it or not, we are all living in a Donald Trump narrative; He is THEE main character on earth… and the left can’t stand his magnanimous presence… he’s the Bigliest, Badliest, Orangeliest… there are none to even compare! Everything Trump says and does is noon daylight to the vampire tyrants, both big and small, that slither and crawl from HOAs to the FBI to the White House.

Orange Man Bad isn’t working anymore… there isn’t enough substance to overcome the very real managed-decline hopes of the global elites who have been doing their damnedest to bring the West to heal for decades.

ORANGE MAN UNSTOPPABLE. If they killed him today, his legacy would still crush them. He is Caesar, Charlemagne, and Washington among us, and the People are behind their Champion, a man whose name will sound through the ages, the more they come after him, the larger he becomes.








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