Why is Women's Basketball so Hard to Watch?

Here, yet again, I say what no one is saying. (at least no one I have heard) I say what is objectivly, materialy and endlessly observalbly true. Nevertheless it will certainly trigger that little bitch we all have inside of us. You're welcome.
My mission is to offend the parts of us that hate the truth. The deeper the truth that we hate the more spastic our reaction will be when the lights come on. For more on my mission to offend, myself first, and then offer that gift to the reader, see the link at the bottom of this post. You may also refer to this blog's title page and discription. Some posts may come off more one way or another. Great truths are head in Great Tension. This is why the at the bottom of every post says, "Hold Tension, Be Vast."
For more content that offends the lies told about women by our institutions and the ruling class, follow the links below.
Now on to the content:

Women’s basketball is cringe for many reasons.

Yes, it's the low-speed bricked layups. Yes, it’s that they are more interested in dating each other then producing a product people want to watch. Yes, it’s all the complaining and ghetto attitudes. Yes, it’s the faux intensity that resembles a “tough” 8th grader. And recently, Yes, it’s the anti-white, anti-straight treatment of the only WNBA player I have known by name: Caitlin Clark.

Everything listed here has been discussed by others. Yet, it’s not the real reason Women’s Basketball is so hard to watch.

Again, YES it’s the slow-motion movement, YES it is the slow-motion dribbling, YES it is the slow-motion layups… But MOST of all, it is the slow-motion THINKING.

Women do not possess the fast twitch physical abilities or mental acuities of men. This undeniable reality plays itself out in many glaringly brutally obvious ways, basketball being one of them. Women do not inherently have the same quick ability to reason and respond over and over and over again. Women are worse at the measurables compared to men, and basketball is certainly a measurable. Another problem for women’s basketball is that men’s basketball exists… this comparison creates a devastating juxtaposition for the ladies.

Women, at the top and on average, are worse at everything that can be objectively measured. Everything… everything… yes, that too. (male feminists googling in rage) Telling such a truth to a clouded mind is like telling a Christian the bible is something less than the perfect, never-changing word of God… it doesn’t go over well. No matter what silly one-off situation one can come up with, if it can indeed be objectively measured (most people who list something women are better at don’t understand the difference between subjective and objective), men would dominate if a 10-million-dollar award were to be granted to the best.

For all of you who are Googleing in rage… be careful about what that anti-search engine is showing you; remember, it's the same people who brought you black Vikings, black Samurai, and black Nazis.

In my days of semi-pro paintball, my team played the “best” women’s pro team who had top-tier coaching, sponsorships, etc. We were 4 divisions away from the top-level men’s teams, and we beat them 4-0 EASILY… and boy, did they complain and whine about it. In paintball, the gun skill is key, yet physical speed does play an important role. So let's look at video games… bone density and muscle mass garner no advantage here. Yet, fast-thinking video games have ONLY males at the top. ONLY… any women on these pro teams are there for PR and equity purposes only.

When I watch men’s sports, I am often amazed at the fast-thinking, creative plays. Watching women’s basketball is retarded in the musical sense, everything seems to be stuck in molasses in January. They seem to be running on an outdated OS with not enough RAM for the program (basketball) they are running. The highest levels of women's basketball are chock-full of boneheaded plays that would get you benched on your men’s YMCA team.

Pop culture loves the men vs women 3-point shooting competition because sometimes there is parity… WOMEN USE A SMALLER BALL! If the NBA used a women’s ball, the game's excitement would be greatly diminished due to the lack of missing. Shooting a basketball is mental, NOT physical. It is a central nervous system test, not a test of brute strength. Women are not on the same level here, never have been, NEVER will be. It is not in their nature or the structure of their genetic makeup, and that is not just ok, it’s awesome. My favorite thing about women is that they aren’t men! Our current culture has turned feminity into the ultimate gaslighting experiment where we ask women to be shit-men and then tell them they are the best and “slay queeeeen, you’re a 10!”… this, of course, has brought suffering to everyone, everywhere.

Why even take time to say all this? Do I hate women? No, I hate mass delusion. But it's just sports, it doesn’t matter that much, right? Also, no… our collective inability to acknowledge this indisputable and most evidence-ridden fact deeply affects our ability to triangulate reality and, therefore, goodness and the things that elevate human thriving. I hope another will shine a light on my delusions, specifically in the areas where most are too fearful to think, let alone speak. Women bring beauty into this world that is a marvel to even the warmest of hearts, the sharpest of minds, and the deepest of souls. For more on this, see the links at the top of the article.

Like it or not, it is a great service to society to point out impactful truths that many refuse to believe. A friend of mine thinks what would help this delusion is to take the WNBA Champions and have them play men starting at the highest tier and see how low you have to go before they win a 3 game series. NBA would be a just-for-fun game. It would be beyond no contest. NCAA D-1 would be very similar, and while I’m sure the gap would lessen, I’m not sure the men would have to try until we got to Varsity High school. Even here, schools like the IMG Academy would win significantly. The JV high school game is the first place I see it being close, but even here, the JV teams at top high school programs have huge centers and many players who can dunk. It very likely wouldn’t be until 8th grade when the women might win, and even then, if it were the US 8th grade all-star team, it is all too plausible (based upon gym statistics) that the WNBA team might take another L.

A major reason this delusion is so important to deconstruct is that WOMEN BRING EQUALLY IMPORTANT VALUE TO OUR SHARED LIVES AS MEN! And when we stop asking women to be men, we can start honoring and appreciating women in areas where they shine and honor men in the areas where they are dominant.

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Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

The Change you have been waiting for will CHANGE you or BREAK you


Caesar Among Us