Dare to ask BIG questions

This post is dedicated to our founding fathers who in reflection of our shared history and humanity limited government and dared to ask big dangerous questions. 

Speaking truth to power looks like something. It looks like asking big questions. 

The tip of the spear is always a big question.

Real leadership always asks the big questions. 

Sadly leadership, even in conservatism, has absorbed more of the milk toast, nice guy, simp, teacher’s pet, look how sensible I am, attitude than most would like to admit. Sensibility didn’t get the declaration of independence signed; courage did. Asking big brave questions did. So many, too many “conservative” “”””leaders”””” are not just unwilling to ask big questions but passionately virtue signal that they don’t and won’t. 

There are too many who masquerade as thought leaders in our liberty movement. Yes, they move the ball in the right direction in many ways and bring incredible value to the equation. Yes, they can break down and examine obvious facts with grace and dexterity. Yet they are not leaders. Leaders lead. On a recent popular conservative podcast, I heard the host go out of his way to say that no credible person is asking if COVID was released on purpose. WHAT? Beyond, THEY EEEFFFFING SHOULD BE, my reaction was just to laugh and turn him off for the day. Heartbreaking. If you think China and their cohorts are above such a thing, you aren't paying attention. This is what happens when we give courage the armor of Saul. Real leadership doesn't have the trappings and trimmings of Harvard and Yale, it stands in opposition to their fake sensibilities; it does not and should not look to reflect or mirror them; it should look to dismantle their house of cards. A house of cards that stands on us, their controlled opposition. And in our allegiance to compliance and faux sensibilities, we refuse to move, thus shaking that foundation. We are satisfied with taking a card off the top all while three more are added. We ask small “sensible” questions. Too many of our thought “leaders” stop where the photo ops end; they stop where the accolades from their preferred social hierarchy cease. As long as it looks good on a resume, they are here for it. Indeed, small tidy questions might get ad revenue, but they don’t change the world.

Real courage looks like shit on a resume, but it makes the pages of history. 

Let me make this easy for those who might still be confused. Can you be more significant and impactful within today's power structures while totally offline or totally online? I don't even need to answer that. Yet, in the realm most significant to power, we already live under an established tyranny. We live in their tech ghettos. And like the Jews who made living in Nazi ghettos more palatable by providing basic social services like medical help and protection, many of our conservative leaders are simply comfort food on our way towards destruction. STOP LOOKING TO THEM FOR LEADERSHIP! Those obsessed with control are coming for everything, and our smart little admin guys are NOT going to cut it. We need leaders like Washington & Lincoln, we need revolutionaries like Revere & Adams, warriors like Patton, Wallace & Leonidas. We must know the difference between those who break down the news and leadership. We must only glean from one group but follow the other. 

We need more disruptors. We need more courage. We need to ask more big questions.

Thee stigma we must break is our collective fear of asking big questions. 

This freedom awakening we are experiencing won't survive our inability to follow real leadership and ask big questions. 

Intellectual children all over this nation have been hemmed into thinking that asking big questions is wrong, is for crackpots, is for conspiracy theorists. What an evidence-less pathetic conclusion to arrive at.

What is a big question? A big question is something that gets a gasp even in a room of one's peers. A big question is asked with the sober knowledge that there will be consequences for asking it. A big question causes the mainstream to clutch their pearls and go right to, How DARE you?

Even if all of history wasn’t singularly headlined by powerful people using that power to manipulate the masses to get what they want, the last handful of years has given ample evidence that the only stable and sane state of mind is… a healthy mistrust toward the ruling class. Whatever they do or say should first and foremost be… mistrusted. For many of our overlords, even when they tell a truth, it is often a partial truth to nip us into a pen of their choosing. 

With history and humanity as our backdrop, and with the priority to look out for all peoples of every nation, our minimum standard should be: Trust but Verify. Yet somehow, the kool-aid drinking masses have even let them move the Overton window off of this foundational rock of moral sanity and intellectual stability. We are not even allowed to say, Ok, we trust you, but… let’s look into that further. The powers that be parade with a banner of transparency, all while working to destroy any real and open investigation into anything that matters. It has gotten so bad that when the ruling class investigates one of their own, it is likely to destroy or manufacture evidence towards some bullshit end. 

What is the harm in extra accountability for those who wield the greatest power in the world, the control of our institutions and governments? Asking BIG questions is a linchpin in this accountability. 

It need not look like the French revolution. Objectivity looks like something. It looks like a complete examination of the information. In the instance of COVID, full access to the lab and all of its employees is the only place to start. We have not even had anything close to that, and SHAME on our leaders for not demanding it. Anyone who says they are being objective about this virus’ organs is misled or lying, one is not even able to be objective without access to the information. But as lawyers say, “I’ve never met someone who had evidence of their innocence that didn't want people to see it, and I’ve never met someone guilty who had evidence they didn't want to hide.” 

Fauci’s emails don't need a news network to interpret them for you. Just read them… He knew.  

The big question for me is no longer, “was it created in a lab?” Nor is it, “was it funded in part by US?” It isn't, “was it weaponized as a means to an end?” 

It is, “was it released on purpose?” and if so, WHO?


Follow the money. Follow the motive. 

Who got the money? Who got the results, the ends that they have so long wanted? Do the research yourself. It matters for you to know. 

Let me say this. COVID was either released on purpose or its arrival at the end of Trump's failed impeachment, where Bloomberg was calling for a Regan-style Trump 2020 landslide is one of the BIGGEST COINCIDENCES IN WORLD HISTORY. 

And among other lessons, these years have taught me that if a “coincidence” gets powerful people what they want, IT ISN'T A COINCIDENCE. 

All the people that could never get what they wanted by showing people they were right despite enjoying a supermajority in every pillar of our society have twisted this man-made tragedy into a means to an end. And to our shame, we have let them. 

My strong belief is that when the dust settles, we will see that COVID was released on purpose by a group of people looking to consolidate power. Let’s look into it; let’s let the facts lie where they may. To say that we know this is not the case is nothing short of make-believe. We don't know. Therefore we ask. 

Keep asking questions. And while we have caught them with their hands in the cookie jar many a time, it is foolishness to think that we have caught our ruling class at even half of what they are actually doing, let alone all of it. THEREFORE asking big questions is the ONLY intellectually defensible place to be. FULL STOP. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Jan 6th, Israel & Double Standards


Jan 6th Prisoners