Jan 6th, Israel & Double Standards

This situation in Gaza has people’s morals, values, and principles embarrassingly twisted.

Here are the facts:

Palestine and Israel are having a political disagreement and there could be a political resolution.  

Here is the problem:

The people telling us that it is reasonable for Hamas to shoot thousands of rockets at civilians because of a political disagreement are the same people telling us that a few-hour riot in their workplace on January 6th over a political disagreement is a 9/11 or December 7th level event and therefore deserves a 9/11 & December 7th level response. 

!!! ??? !!! WTF !!! 

Beyond being logically untenable, to say that shooting rockets at civilians is understandable all while calling what happened on January 6th some sort of monumental 9/11 type event is either purposefully evil or an indication of immersive brainwashing.

More so, they are also the same people who made excuses for and even bailed out rioters that destroyed our places of business for months. Yet when people softly, and I do mean softly*, attack their place of business, the capital, for a few hours, the world is apparently ending, and the full weight of the law is used with weighted scales to arrest those who even dared walk into their workplace. Many still in DC jails have not had a bond hearing, let alone a trial. And when they do, they will face a stacked journey and politically motivated Judge. (*I say softly because look at the actual amount of damage done at the capital...my local middle school girls tennis team could have done more damage than that in a few hours) 

I don’t know who needs to hear this.. but... They serve US! Our places of business matter MORE! The government serves the people, our places of business pay for theirs, they sleep on our couch and eat our food. It is far bigger a deal to have our businesses shut down than it is to have theirs. For ours give lifeblood to progress and prosperity, while theirs all too often just get in the way. 

Remember: One side did thousands of hours of rioting, one side did a handful. One side got balled out, one side got unprecedented jail time. 

What a shameful stain on our collective intellect and morality that this obvious double standard isn’t on the lips of the masses. 

Yet everything gets turned on its head when it comes to Gaza.

But but but Palestine is walled in and full of peace-loving people. 

No. The Palestinian people elected Hamas which has violence towards Israel written into their very charter. Hamas isn’t hated by a majority of the Palestinians, they are supported by them! 

Furthermore, the walls around Palestine pale in comparison to the walls our politicians have let Big Tech build around the truth. 

Smelling of beef and cheese and sitting upon their throne of lies, they slandered us as terrorists and a host of other lies for posting about and demanding an actual audit of a highly contested & auditable election. ALL while Palestine gets a pass for shooting rockets at one of the only places in the Middle East where Jew, Christians, and Muslims live on the same streets in peace. 

If they had it their way, there would be greater consequences for tweeting the truth than shooting missiles at an Israeli civilian. 

By their standards, republicans should be launching rockets into democrat cities! By their standards, we should be at war with one another. 

Their standards are always and only double standards. And we have been conditioned for it, we allow it, we even expect it. It is far past time we tirelessly call them out. For double standards are in of themselves established tyranny. No further evidence is needed. Let that sink in.

We the people must normalize fairness again; we must make it shameful to treat people differently because of any group affiliation, whether it be color of skin or political party. If we don't win this battle, we won't win any. 

But they have been twisting the truth for centuries. Somehow republicans get the blame for a war democrats started to keep their slaves. But while they started it, we the people finished it and beat their weird & evil obsession with race… and we the people will do it again. 

God damn it! What do they have to do for you to stand up and be counted among the brave?

And I do mean God damn it! All you weak Republicans & Christians who get offended at that, stop acting like your God isn’t a warrior. Asking Him to damn something evil isn’t taking His name in vain; it is declaring that His very will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Grow up and grow a pair.

Then do something about it. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

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