Europe is Useless

What benefit has Europe given this world lately? Comical Economic policy? Immigration delusions? Culture erosion? War? Yeah, I guess that has been great and all… if you are a part of the Klaus Schwab ruling elite.

Europe is a joke in comparison to its former self. Its current most distinguishing feature is their fools version of coat tail ridding the United States… all while biting the hand that feeds it… all while performing a DEI version of a Greek tragedy.

Spare the rod. Spoil the Child.

Europe praises every TRADITION but its own.

Europe lifts up every CULTURE, but its own.

Europe supports every PEOPLE, but its own.

Europe? What HAPPENED? Where have your MIGHTY men gone?

Imagine what the brilliance of Europe could bring to the world if it were more free? We can only begin to guess at all the lost beauty from the captive and bound human genius over the past 100 years of European diminishing liberty whereby our “betters” shaped from our shared trek our ability to make the world a better place.

When was the last time you bought something made or even designed in Europe that wasn’t a car or cuckoo clock? What was Europe's last great invention we all depend on every day?

Decades ago the EU and US economies were producing at similar levels. Today, it isn’t close. A lack of economic liberty was slowly and now more rapidly killing the former industrial giants. What a shame.


Europe not only deserves our scorn and rebuke… they NEED it.

A continent of sissy boys is no use to anyone.

To all the exceptions, we salute you!

Looking at you, Poland. A nation who openly says, if you try to cross our border, we will shoot you… GOOD… any proper country should shoot invaders. Poland has increased its defense of life, liberty, and property when most around them slum it up. Import the 3rd world… BECOME the 3rd world.

I have quoted the following in several pieces. There is a large gap in our understanding of how the world has forever worked.

True wisdom gathers the Spartan.

Value rends the mighty.

Leadership comes only from those who the dangerous yearn to follow.

Everything else is a game that is, without a glance, tossed aside, or, without the slightest consideration, ignored.

What is the difference between LGBTQ parades cheering for Kamala and UFC crowds / Military Barracks roaring for Trump?


No, no, no, you didn’t quite hear me —> E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! In the days where the age is shaped, there are those who bring nothing and there are those who can demand anything. Spartan, “WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?” Every nation who forgets this, in time, gets the type of reminder that historians refuse to detail due to the magnitude of the horror.

The RIGHT thing to do is to MAKE READY for a fight by word and by blood. Stewarding the latter ensures you might use the former. This is the only way there has ever been.

Again, Leadership ultimately ONLY comes from those who the dangerous yearn to follow. This is one of the reasons women do not truly lead. They guide. Dangerous men are not led by the feminine. Women do many other amazing, equally valuable things. Yet it is not, and has not been the feminine that leads when arrows begin to fly. This isn't social programming or patriarchy…it's timeless reality. Only in times of long summer, times of extended peace, do we dress women up as leaders, play pretend, and act like dangerous men care what they have to say on serious topics and important decisions. When the hour strikes midnight, all those fantasies fade, and those who will win the day, look to the mighty like: Ceasar, Sipio Africanas, Patton, Yamamoto, and Charlemagne. Decisions that define the safety of a nation, a region, a city, a town, a community. More than any other place on earth, Europe has forgotten what a MAN is and what a WOMAN is not. And it is KILLING them.

Women’s beautifully equal value comes in other forms. Different value most certainly does not mean less value. And all this offends you, fucking slap yourself, you’re a bitch. (if you are sitting there reading this agast that you are that bitch.. it's okay, we are all a little bitch sometimes… it should be all of our goal to be like that less.)

This isn’t said to offend, though certainly it will, it is a simple recognition of what is, and what has always been.

Modern delusions will ultimately yield to what is ancient and unmoving.

If in our addiction to comfort, we refuse to wrestle with words, we will eventually be dragged to war. We can not escape truth’s victory: it comes by word, it comes by blood. We get to choose between the two.

If we refuse to, we damn the green fields of France to experience the suffering, the sorrow, the glory the shame, again and again and again and AGAIN!

There are two types of first-world nations: those who created it, and those who are at least competent enough to implement it. If your country is the second one, and if you live in Europe… that’s you… some gratitude is in order.

Beyond goodness, the single most significant contribution to this nation's greatness is our affinity for, competence with, and commitment to citizens owning and using Military Grade Weaponry. Europe must learn this again. Europe used to have Glorious Knights, Great Houses and Clans of Mighty Fearsom Men. Europe must have this again.

Europe will never be free until it respects the sovereignty of its people and adopts something similar to the United States Second Amendment.

Suggesting something like this will make many roll their eyes. A true sign that one has a slave mind.

Freedom looks like something. Freedom IS possible. Freedom actually works! Freedom sorts itself out. Unlike bureaucratic control… controls only form; there is no such thing as a fantasy land, Disney-style control with rainbows and Care Bears.. it is all the drudge of bureaucracy stomping out the human will to do anything amazing. Again, Freedom works, and Europes only hope is to unleash it.


Merry Christmas 2024


Our Re-Founding Fathers