
Part 5 of the Era of Trump Series:

“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Not often do we get to hear what amounts to be the last words of a man who still lives.

There is a brilliant clarity that arrives when one’s life is on the line. At this moment, the Protector of the Relm, the man whose name defines our time, the man whose name will rule these pages of history, with blood rolling down his face, refused to be moved until he could declare the attitude we move forward with. What Trump did was recognize the collective united cry of the indomitable human spirit, to:


This is the banner of our time.

In whatever you are doing… if it is not with the spirit of a fighter, you are missing the mark, you are AWOL from the unified spirit of the people. We fight now, by word, we fight now with our voice, and we struggle now in long toil to avoid the devouring cycle of the grim dying fields we now see in Ukraine.

Currently, we are in a Great Cold War. We the people WILL WIN THIS WAR. A war the global elite have been waging on freedom-loving people from time immemorial.

We will win this war, and it will usher in an era only comparable to the Enlightenment. Our hard work and sacrifices will elevate human thriving similar to the post-feudal explosion of productivity, invention, and innovation. The coming post-fiat-cronyism era will bring a renaissance toward timeless human principles and an eruption of human flourishing through the unleashing of individual genius that, to the fiat-bound mind, is likely unimaginable.

Americans! Brothers! Sisters! Sons and Daughters of the Revolution! Lovers of this Greatest Nation! Lovers of Liberty, from the descendants of the Mayflower & bloodlines that signed thee Declaration, to those who recently immigrated to participate in the land which protects life, liberty, and property! Lovers of Freedom from rich European, African, South American, and Asian heritage! IT IS TIME TO BRING THE FIGHT! It is time to bring the Fight to the ruling elite who hate you. Greatness isn’t for movies or books, IT IS FOR YOU. We are living in a time that will be written about for thousands of years. Join the fray.

We will win because we Fight with love for our fellow man. We will win because we Fight with a heart of mercy and restoration towards those who seek to defeat us. We will win because our mission is to see every people, of every nation on earth thrive to the greatest extent possible, because our mission is for individuals to see their dreams realized with such a magnitude as to surprise even themselves. For this great & holy mission we:





Trump, Our Heimdall