Trump, Our Heimdall

Part 4 of the Era of Trump Series:

This post is to be taken within the context of the post “To: 2024”

THEY AREN’T AFTER TRUMP, THEY ARE AFTER YOU AND TRUMP IS IN THE WAY. Trump, the people’s Heimdall, with the Bifrost Sword in hand, has made a stand at the bridge and gateway to the realm of the common man. The hordes of evil that he is up against are fighting him to get to you.

They are trying to jail Trump, so they can jail you. They are trying to crush Trump so they can crush you. They are trying to kill Trump, so your very life can hang by their whims and fancies.

They tried to kill Trump because nothing else could make him go away and let them at the American people. They couldn’t bribe him, they couldn’t blackmail him, they couldn’t threaten him, spying and cheating in 2016 didn’t work, Russia-Russia-Russia went nowhere-nowhere-nowhere, impeachments failed, cheating in 2020 wasn’t enough, raiding his house didn’t work, the lawfare isn’t working, and now their assassination missed.

Please understand: the ruling elite would rather have had each previous attempt work; each further effort costs them more, shows their hand more, and threatens to expose and therefore uproot their unapproachable power.

The Ruling Establishment’s next move may very well be to Super-Nova… Everything… Themselves, Heimdall, and the people. It is impossible to overstate their desperation (for more on this, read: Hey Ruling Class, It’s OVER) They are at their wits end, they don’t know what to do, they are drunk on power, and are pulling out their black book of extreme measures and are contemplating which combination to try:

  • World War III

  • Collapse of the USD

  • Grid Failure

  • Internet failure

  • Assassination attempt 2… maybe a successful one

  • October 7th like attack on a massive scale

  • etc… Fill in the blank with anything you think may happen… If they can do it, it is certainly on the table. Weather manipulation to create super storms? Pandemic 2.0? Sure, maybe… again, if they have the capability, it has or is being considered… NO MATTER HOW BAD. I can not stress this enough, EVERYTHING is an option.

If you have not read it yet, read Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Obama and Clinton both studied this abomination with great intent. I am unaware of a better single source that lays out the agenda and methodology of the authoritarian ruling elite. My biggest takeaway is how they are always doing 30 things. Many find it difficult to break free from the spoon-fed narrative on even one thing; when they do, they pat themselves on the back and go on, letting the other 29 things fly a mile over their heads. Some folks figure out the lies in 3 or 4 places, in rare cases maybe as many as a dozen… even these bold few are still missing the half of it. This is why we the people have to come for ALL their power, ALL OF IT. Nothing less will do.

Men, we are living in a time of battle, therefore it is time to Make Ready. Do not be like those who stay home during such times. While I don’t have a crystal ball and I don’t know what will happen, I do know the chance of us having a multi-day/week interruption to food/water/power is higher than at any other time in American History.

Get with people you trust. Make a plan. Be of consequence. Join with your countrymen. Be true to your unique calling and purpose. When you find a gap, stand in it. Be filled with the spirit of greatest love. Wait until you see the whites of their eyes. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy. And be like Heimdall:


P.S. The American People are the Heimdall of the rest of the world. Without the ruling elites' fear of the American man, they would have long ago taken the control they fiend for.




Orange Man Good