Fix the Money Fix the World

If we really believed, “Fix the Money, Fix the World,” we would equally believe, “Control the money, Control the World.”

Anyone who has followed the plight of Assange, Snowden, or others like them has likely wondered how we might ever expose the ruling elite ways of taking and maintaining power.

While we have most certainly caught them with their hand in the cookie jar, only a fool would think we have seen half of what they are doing. So how can we win against something we can’t see? How do we counter unknown malevolent geopolitical efforts? 

We draw them out.

But how?

Just like the Allies did in North Africa during WWII, we should attack what the enemy runs on. For the Allies, this looked like attacking the German supply line of fuel. Our ruling class’s supply line of power is a fully automatic printer. Everybody now! … Money Printer go What?? … It go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

When you go after what the other side really needs, you find out where everything is. In WWII, Rommel was forced to use everything he had to protect his oil. Rommel wanted to fight Ike his way with his battle-hardened men and more advanced equipment. Eisenhower knew better and instead strangled their ability to wage war by destroying their lifeblood. 

I don’t know everything the W.E.F. and their counterparts are up to. But I do know if we go after what they need most, we will find out. If we go after that beloved printer, we will expose corruption that would shock even the wildest conspiracy theorist.

Fix the Money, Fix the World.

I have often read, listened to, or, while engaged in conversation, heard people discuss what they think the greatest “evil” on earth is. Before we tackle such a large question, it is best to set parameters. The greatest evil is the greatest threat to human thriving. People say it is our trans-obsessed schools, our woke courts, the broken system of elections, and so on. While all of these issues matter greatly, they are the poisonous fruit of thee deeper problem. Long ago, we answered this question, and with great consequence, we seem to have broadly forgotten its wisdom. From the most ancient of days and forevermore, “the love of money is the root of all evil.If the love of money is the root of evil, how much more so is the total control over a fundamentally and inherently evil system of money? This can not be overstated. It is through the breaking of our currency that Evil gains, retains, and takes power. (for more on this, see the post: Feudal Fiat

What they have done to our money is criminal to the highest degree. Their subversion of our currency is responsible for more death, destruction, loss of progress, and decay of human goodness than could be recorded in all of the books in all of the world. 

I would love to see a politician run with “Make Money Sound Again” as their campaign slogan. Every step along the way toward making our money sound would reveal the hand that has been pulling the strings. The W.E.F./Deep State/Ruling Class would be left no choice; they would either have to come out and fight or lose. Either way, their gig is up.

Like any cult, they are not going to go out peaceably; they would rather burn it all down. There is no nation they won’t try to overthrow; there is no blackmail too salacious and no evil too great for our Fiat Overlords. Everything is on the table when it comes to keeping the gravy train rolling. Everything.

Their ability to control the money in secret is everything to them. The next handful of issues combined can’t even come close to being such a linchpin toward their agenda.

Fiat money is the ruling class’s Death Star reactor core. Take it out, and everything else explodes. Remember, everything they do is through manipulation; they don’t have grassroots support. Their only option is to bribe, blackmail, and besmirch their way to their goals. Their ability to bribe the masses with an ever-devaluing and elusive currency leaves us chasing our tail, trying to survive instead of confronting or even noticing the issue. Those who can’t feed their family revolt, those who live in excess vanguard property with awesome power and authority, but those who keep grasping faster and faster just to barely get enough are slaves to the fleeting value of their desperate aim.

Sound money causes cash to flow to value.

Fiat causes cash to flow to power.

While they hold the power, we create the value. So their only option is to break the money. Their broken money sends its value to wherever they want; it is clay in the hands of the potter. Real money, sound money, sends its value to where it is earned. Where it is earned is with those who have the sense to create what people want and need. These types of people do not long suffer tyrants, and when they possess a vast amount of wealth, those obsessed with control are swiftly pushed aside.

So what is sound money? There are only 3 types. And only one of them is easy, safe, and cheap to transfer; only one of the three has the potential to change effectively and totally fix money, and therefore, the world. I’ll let you guess which one.

  1. Land

  2. Gold

  3. Bitcoin

Everyone alive has exclusively lived in the Feudal Fiat era, where cronyism has been sold as capitalism. For over 100 years, our Fiat Crony Overlords have perverted the market with wanton manipulation; they have rewarded those who do evil and punished those who do good. They have stolen more wealth than every other empire combined, and they have weaponized that heist against the common man. Their end goal is nothing less than bleeding us out until we own nothing. And they have the gall to think we will thank them for it.

I don’t know if it is even possible to master the topic of Sound Money; its complexities, at least to me, seem endless. But if you were going to dedicate yourself to understanding one topic, there are no others that hold within them the potential to do so much good for so many people. It is certainly the civil rights issue of our time.

So what’s next? My advice would be to read/listen as much as you can and look to join a local Meet-Up related to Bitcoin or Sound money.

A good place to begin reading is:

  • The Bitcoin Standard | Dr. Saifedean Ammous

  • The Fiat Standard | Dr. Saifedean Ammous

A good place to start listening is:

  • Citadel Dispatch Podcast | ODELL

  • Rabbit Hole Recap | ODELL & Marty Bent

  • What is Money? Podcast | Robert Breedlove

Also, simply talk about it. Talk about it like you are a vegan or CrossFiter on a first date. Most people barely know anything about Fiat, Sound money, or Bitcoin. We can change that.

It is up to us to fix the money. It is up to us to fix the world.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

It Matters because it Matters


Everything is Obvious