Everything is Obvious

Over the past several years, why have so many “common people” been right about major world events in the face of the experts who used the entirety of their power to get them to believe the opposite?

It is because everything is obvious. 

If everything were not obvious, there is no way so many people could have believed the truth on the following issues well before it was a matter of record.

  • The experts said the Covid Vaccines would grant immunity and that recipients could not contract or spread Covid.

  • The experts assured us that the Trump campaign was not being spied on.

  • Our intelligentsia clutched their pearls at the Jussie Smollett attack.

  • The ruling class ruled that Ivermectin and Hydoxicoriqin were dangerous and not effective in any way. 

  • Those in power assured us that they were not collecting data on the American people. @Snowden. 

  • Our Medical overlords laughed about COVID vaccine concerns surrounding pregnancy. Now we know why they didn't want anyone to read those documents for 70 years. 

  • Our leaders told us that the Steele Dossier was full of verified and corroborated information. 

  • The banking class maintains that they do what's best for the USD and not for them.

  • And just for fun, here is a sneak peek: The Whitehouse knew about the raid at Mar-a-Lago. How do I know this? Because it is obvious. 

Everything is painfully blatantly obvious.

There is no other way that many with no inside knowledge could be so thoroughly correct, all while they weathered the passionate assurances of the experts who ad nauseam told them to believe differently.

Often all it took for many to see the obvious truth was the mild amount of courage it takes to hear both sides of an issue. Those in power have been telling us that it is wrong to even know the other side of an issue because they understand… everything is obvious, and they know only through shame and self-suppression might their great charade continue. 

So doesn’t the fact that everything is obvious work against the wishes of the powers that be? No.

Everything being obvious is a feature, not a bug!

Here is why:

  • Every plan goes awry at some point, and when the powers that be mess up, if everything were not always obvious, it would create a lightning strike event that would alert a supermajority of the population, bringing an end to those pulling the strings. But when everything is always obvious, the risk of messing up is substantially less. 

How did the ruling class accomplish this?

  • Logic is dead in our modern world, it has been taught out of us by every institution. Logic has been under attack for one primary reason: the ruling class knows that while they have every pillar of society in their pocket, they can never deceive the darkness-piercing light of logic. In a world where everything is obvious, those in power could not allow logic to prevail at a tool used by the masses. In response, they harness our addiction to appearing sensible and aligning with the mainstream in order to lead us to suppress our intuition and instinct. Because they can not hide from logic, nor control it, they convince us to remove it from consideration. Click here for more on the death of logic.

Don’t worry you will continue to be conditioned towards revulsion when encountering each and every topic they want you to abandon logic towards. Therefore anytime we feel our lizard brain wanting to rage at an issue, we should first as ourselves, have we looked at both sides, have we considered the entire data set? Or are we just upset because we were told to be so? Let’s try a few on for size:

  • When everything is obvious, they can botch the stealing of an election, and yes, you will have the usual suspects shining a light on the truth, but it will not wake the masses. 

  • When everything is obvious, the powers that be can manufacture a plot to kidnap a governor and plan an insurrection, yet the show goes on.

  • When everything is obvious, they can say a vaccine works even when it doesn’t and then go as far as to mandate it.. AND THEN walk around like they have the moral high ground.

  • When everything is obvious, almost anything can happen, and still, the people are none the wiser, and the ruse continues. 

The anecdote is for us to make up our mind that we get to make up our mind. We should determine to get to know both sides of every major issue directly from those with whom we disagree most. Many sadly settle on what a pundit from their own persuasion has to say regarding their opposition’s side on any given topic. This, of course, will not do. 

Unfairly, the side that controls the reins of power has much more work to do. They are at a distinct and very real disadvantage concerning this pursuit. What they already know and believe is readily available; it is shouted from the structures and pillars of power. For them to interact with the alternative position, they must often spend a significant time finding their sources because... well, you already know... @BigTech.  

It should be the goal of every thinking person to be able to articulate the opposite side's position in such a way that the other side would adopt your words to make that same argument in the future. This is a lofty goal, but the yield is worth the labor.

When enough people steward within themselves the ability to call a spade a spade, the world will experience a second renaissance. It happened once; it will happen again. This new dark age we are slugging through will also fall to enlightenment.

Let’s all do our part.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Fix the Money Fix the World


Feudal Fiat