Honor Boldly

Many have decided that there are 2 options. 

Asshole or mealy-mouth bitch.

There is another way; to live boldly while honoring others. Boldness is not the in-your-face gotcha moments that some have made it out to be. And honor isn’t bending the knee in order to nicify a moment in time.

To live a life of honor is to see past the methodology that someone prefers and look to the heart and reasoning behind those methods. Someone with a good heart that is doing something in a bad way won’t change those ways because someone told them they are evil. To them, they know they are not evil; they know they live for the betterment of others. Attacking a person in such a way guarantees one thing, that they will not change. When we miss-define one’s truly good motives as evil, we create an environment void of safety, and when people do not feel safe, they dig in. 

To live boldly is to represent yourself honestly despite ramifications. This forces us into a life of bravery that builds strength into every aspect of our life and allows others to face their inner prejudice or even hatred, allowing them the opportunity to change.

The biggest impact on the world will be made by those who hold the tension between them both, honoring those they disagree with right where they are and passionately holding to their own beliefs regardless of popularity.

Yes, you can do both. 

Yes, you should do both. 

In these historic times, I am not sure what is more common, being oppressive towards those with whom we disagree or being cowardly with our own beliefs. It is also hard to say which is worse for society.

I think we all know where the ever-escalating demonization of those we disagree with ends.

That being said, holding this tension is not just a call to stop demonizing and to honor our intellectual rivals; it is a call to take a stand for what we believe in with our chins held high.

When we refuse to take a stand for what we believe, we are feeding the monster that will one day come for us. What we are doing is creating room for evil to move in, for it is the very nature of darkness to possess everything void of light. Wherever we willingly stand down, we set in motion the further takeover of suppression. What we do in fear to protect our present comfort is the very thing that ensures our future oppression. 

It is up to us.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Enlightenment = Self-determination = Enlightenment


I am a progressive liberal