I don’t really care about politics

I often run into people who say something along the lines of, “I don’t really pay attention or care about politics,” or, “I don’t want to talk about politics.”


That’s how big and powerful the government should be. Big enough to… not really care too much about… or pay much attention to! Vote that way. Live that way. Esse quam Videri.

It is the fool of fools who votes to make something he doesn’t pay attention to big and dangerous. They are like one who keeps a hungry Tiger in their house that they do not take care of or pay attention to. This would be exceedingly unwise and that story only ends one way, getting devoured.

Tale as old as time. Tune as old as song.

It is the apex of incoherent & inconsistent thinking to pay little attention to something that is incredibly dangerous. Any retard can see that at the very minimum, the US government is dangerous and worthy of reverent fear. Furthermore, and worse still, it is a whole new world of dipshitery to advocate for something you don’t have control over to be increasingly powerful year after year.

It is bittersweet and strange how we keep learning, and then unlearning this lesson, time after time.

In the cycle of secured or surrendered sovereignty, we are heading towards liberty again. Even though the momentum of this cycle has reached terminal velocity and its conclusion is inevitable, we get to choose the venue, stage, and setting of this enlightenment. This course correction might come through internal fortitude, by braving the beating that comes when we speak hard truths or it will come like at Bellawood, Verdun, Antietam, and the like.

Which one will it be?..

It is up to us.

I have seen the appothetic and proudly uninformed with bewildering vigor defend a position they have given no thought beyond the unavoidable osmosis of being alive in modern times.

Therefore read, listen, write, and study. The more you think the more you think differently. Think more. Write more.

The more you interact with the government the more you wish you had more power and they had less. Ask ANYONE not on the handout gravy teet. It’s obvious, always has been.

But because we are collective passers-through first, and not individuals, we parrot what Big Brother told us in school, with dull eyes we blabber the same empty platitudes of woke & broke Hollywood. Transfixed by apathy we have been found wanting, yearning for gold stars and backpats from our betters. We allowed our minds to be ruled by darkness, bound and dragged to the land of control where shadows lie.

If history tells any story it is, where minds are bound, hands follow.

In these times, useful idiots abound like pedos at a trans rally. Nevertheless, Goodness is surging. As goodness does, it brings something unstable, unknowable, it is the underdog’s uppercut, goodness always has a hail marry in pocket, a hook and ladder out of nowhere for the win, it is the longshot pressing the lead.

Dare to be a part of it.


Say the quiet part out loud!


The most important thing is the most obvious thing no one will say. Shout it! (read this one three times)


Be Good. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy. And buy Bitcoin.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Write now


High-T Gold